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(Go ahead and play the music in each chapter.)

Tweek sighed as he listened to his parents argue outside his room. They were debating on whether or not to send him to a place that could 'cure' him. He came out to them as gay a few weeks ago and since then, he's been growing distant from his parents. Tweek looked over at his packed bag in the closet, he had it ready for the day he decides to run away.

That day is today. Knowing his parents, they'll be asleep at 10 pm which gives him time to sneak out. He had already written a letter to them days ago, ready for when he kicks the bucket or leaves. Ding! Tweek picked up his phone to see a message from the group chat about a party at Token's house.

He just sent a, 'I can't come, gotta work today.' He then muted the chat and went back to listening to his parents' argument, twitching a bit. It was currently 9:30 pm, the party is at 11 pm. He'll most likely be out of town by then. As soon as he heard his parents' bedroom door close, probably having makeup sex, he got up from his spot infront of the door and grabbed the bag.

He slid it onto his back and opened the window by his bed. He climbed out of it and climbed down from the roof. Once on the ground, Tweek ran in the direction that will get him to the outskirts of the town quickly. Once he got there, he looked back at the town he had called his home at some point before turning back around and running off into the forest.



Tweek Tweak


10 years old

Pale skin, crazy blonde hair, blueish greenish gold eyes, wearing an oversize green hoodie and ripped black jeans along with green converse.

Last seen at home late on Friday night. Friends say they last heard from him at around 9:30 PM. Residences nearby the Tweak household say that they saw the boy leave the house through his bedroom window. If you have any information about his whereabouts, call the local police department or the national missing person hotline.

Craig, Jimmy, Token, and Clyde were all reading the missing person sign about their best friend. None of them knew about what prompted him to run off like that, but then again he had barely talked to them during the weeks that led up to this. 

"We should go look for him." Clyde suggested.

"There's already search parties active. All the parents here have joined in to search for him." Token responded. 

"C'mon, guys. We gotta get to school." Craig said, turning in the direction of the school. The others started following him, they all had stopped their conversation.

As they entered the school, Bebe and Wendy came up to them and started asking them questions about what happened. 

They dismissed them by saying, "We don't know why he ran away." They continued on with their day as they usually do, the only thi- no, person missing was Tweek.


Tweek had been traveling for awhile now. He had no set destination other than going as far away from South Park as he can. He had received messages from classmates, showing their concern for him. Though where was their concern when he had started behaving differently? He shook his head, getting rid of the thoughts about his old home.

He wasn't sure where he was going, but somehow he had ended up in Denver. He continued walking until he was stopped by a man. 

"Hey, kid, what are you doing out of school?" the man asked. 

"I-I d-de-decided to s-skip t-today. I-in a-al-all honesty I d-don't k-know where I-I'm going, sir." Tweek replied, looking up at the man.

He smirked as he said, "C'mon, kid. I'm gonna take somewhere that will make sure you're safe." before mumbling something along the lines of, "My wife had always wanted a son, so why not take you to her." He picked the 10 year old up and carried him to the hotel he's staying in. "I had finished visiting one of my company's customers today and my wife is expecting me to be home by the end of this week." he said as they got to the floor he's staying on.

"What's your name, kid?" the man asked. 

"Tweek." was all the 10 year old replied with. The man nodded before opening the door to his hotel room. 

"Tweek, do you know where your parents are?" he asked. Tweek shook his head. The man sighed before grabbing his phone to call his wife.

The blonde boy sat on one of the beds and waited patiently for the older male to get off his phone. Once he was done with the call, the man looked at Tweek smiling. 

"She said you can stay with us!" Tweek smiled and watched as the man packed before they left the hotel to go to the airport.

~A few hours later~

They had just arrived in Nashville, Tennessee. The man had told Tweek to call him dad and to call his wife mom while they were on the plane. They left the airport and the man led Tweek to his car. The drive was silent, but once they got to the house. A woman and two little girls came out to greet the man.

"Jordan!" the woman yelled out, smiling at the fact her husband is home. Jordan and Tweek got out the car as the three females approached them. The little girls hugged their father, obviously happy that he's home while his wife greeted Tweek. "So, you must be the boy that Jordan was talking about." she said, smiling warmly at him.

The blonde nodded and she hugged him. Once she pulled away, Tweek was more than confused as he tried to recollect his thoughts only to be interrupted by the two little girls. 

"HI! YOU'RE NOW OUR BIG BROTHER!!" The girl with long blonde hair basically yelled. "I'm Isabella and she's Evie!" she said, pointing to herself then her sister. "We're twins though I'm the better twin." Isabella said proudly before whispering to him, "Evie thinks that she's a boy."

He sighed before saying to her, "It's alright if she thinks she's a boy. She might not be in the right body." He looked at Evie, she had short brown hair and she was just glaring at her sister. Jordan and his wife started heading back inside and Tweek and his new found sisters followed them. Jordan told Tweek a bit about their family and showed him where he was going to be staying for however long the family can keep him there.

Since it was late at night, everyone decided to go to bed. This was the first time Tweek had felt happy in a very long time.

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