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Tweek woke up with a groan. His head was pounding and he didn't know where he was. Memories of last night soon came back to him as he sighed. He had a major hangover from all the alcohol he consumed and yet he remembered everything. 

"Shiiiiit. They're probably gonna be really mad." he cursed. The blonde then proceeded to wake his friends, explaining to them that they need to get back to town right away. 

Thankfully none of them argued about it and they headed back. Soon enough, they got back to Tweek's house and as soon as they entered they were greeted by an angry Mr. and Mrs. Tweak. 

"Where were you last night?!" Richard questioned them. 

"In the forest." Tweek replied starting to get brave. 

"Why were you there?!" Tonya asked. 

"To get away from this bullshit!" the blonde yelled, the bravery taking over.

Both of his parent gave him fearful looks before going into the kitchen to talk. The group went up to Tweek's room, all of them not knowing what to do. 

"私はこの街が嫌いだ." (Translation: I fucking hate this town.) he muttered. Natalie looked at him in concern. 

"I think I see why you left in the first place, Twe." she stated. He looked at her before sighing. 

"I can't escape again or else they'll think that I need to be sent off to correction camp. The best thing to do is drink it all away!" he chuckled.

"Tweeks, where ever you go we'll be going with ya. Why don't we go explore a bit more of the outskirts of the town later tonight. We can go get more alcohol if it's needed." Jonathan stated, almost falling out of the chair he's sitting in. 

"Yeah, we can do that." the blonde smiled. The door to the room opened and Tweak's parents came in. 

"Son, we need to talk to you in the kitchen. The principal and counselor came over and they're very concerned about you." Richard spoke calmly though both him and his wife had worried looks on their faces.

Tweek sighed before getting up and following his parents down to the kitchen. Mr Mackey and PC Principal were there talking to each other in hushed voices. They soon noticed that the Tweaks were standing in the door way. 

"Here he is. What did you need Tweek for?" Tonya asked. 

"Mrs. Tweak, we're afraid that your son had some sort of amnesia after he left the town. We need to figure out how exactly we could get his memories back to him." Mr. Mackey stated, walking over to them.

Tweek glared at both of the school officials. 

"Stop trying to get me to remember whatever the fuck you want me to remember. It doesn't fucking matter at this fucking moment. Why can't anyone fucking understand?! I know that there was a fucking reason why I left this fucking town. Why not figure that out first before trying to figure out how to get my fucking memories back." he spat before leaving the room. His twitching slowly started, causing him to panic. It had been 3 years since he had last twitched, but why was it starting up now?

The blonde attempted to calm himself down, but it didn't work. It never really worked to calm down whenever this happened. He started humming a song he knew all to well. He quickly left the house, not wanting to be in it any longer. He headed towards the outskirts, slowly retracing his steps from when he ran away. Once he got there, he sat down looking at the town. Tweek text his friends, letting them know what happened. 

After that, he turned his phone off and continued to watch the people of South Park go about their day. He turned his phone back on and put on some calming music. It helped him regain his thoughts when this happens, since it wasn't the first time. Fool by Cavetown came on and he hummed along. Cavetown had been his favorite song artist for a few years and he felt calm whenever he listened to them.

His phone buzzed and he checked it to see a message from Taylor. 

TaycanSlay: Twe, we have a problem. Your parents had gotten everyone to look for you. Natalie heard them saying that you need to be sent away to get some mental help. I hope you're good at hiding for a long time.

He let out a sigh before sending back:

AnxiouslyDead: Of course I'm good at hiding for a long time! Just gotta escape to another state/country and you'll be alright til the police figure out who you are.

He turned the music off before getting up and running deeper into the forest. Tweek kept watch on his surroundings, making sure that no one was nearby. He had to get away from it all again, all the memories of the town flooded back into his mind. He let out a scream, the pounding in his head increasing. He soon passed out from the pain.

~Time skip~

He woke up a few hours later to nothing, but trees and the night sky. He slowly sat up as the pain in his head subsided. Tweek looked around a bit, but immediately felt his anxiety rise from not knowing where he is. He heard a sound from behind him and he turned around quickly to see Wendy Testaburger.

"Hey, Tweek. What are you doing out here? It's cold." she questioned. Though Tweek didn't answer right away. He kept on staring at her, like he can't believe that she's there. 

"H-holy shit. You've changed a lot, Wendy." he said after awhile. Wendy walked over to him and helped him up. 

"You remember me?" she asked him and the blonde nodded. "Oh my god!" she squealed, bringing him into a hug. 

"Wait til everyone hears about this!!!" she exclaimed. 

"No one needs to know, Wendy. Don't tell anyone." Tweek stated harshly. Wendy nodded before pulling away. 

"C'mon, we should get back to town." she said, but Tweek didn't want to. 

"I can't go back. My parents are planning to send me away. That's why I'm out here. To get away from them." he stated, pushing her away. She sighed before walking away saying that she needs to call someone. 

Runaway {Tweek Tweak}Where stories live. Discover now