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Tweek sighed as he watched the passing cars, keeping a lookout for his friends. His parents had left an hour ago to work, but he didn't remember anything about that place.

AnxiouslyDead: Where are you guys?

NattheSnacc: We were dropped off at the park. We're currently roaming the neighborhood.

AnxiouslyDead: Alright. I've been sitting outside for awhile.

NattheSnacc: I told the others to keep a look out for ya.

AnxiouslyDead: See you soon.

He turned his phone off and looked around. He soon spotted a group of kids walking his way, instantly recognizing them. One of the girls soon spotted him and ran over, hug attacking the blonde. 

"TWE!" she yelled, obviously happy to see him. Tweek let out a laugh, smiling as the girl pulled away. 

"Hi Nat." he said, looking up at her. The other three ran over to them. Taylor hugged him, while Jonathan ruffled his hair. Evan just stood off to the side with Natalie. Taylor soon let go of Tweek and he dragged his friends into the house.

"The weather here is worse than Tennessee." Jon said, as he sat down on the couch. 

"At least the weather isn't bipolar here." Evan snapped at his boyfriend who just chuckled. 

"Twe, have you been enrolled into the school here?" Tay asked the shortest person there. 

"Not yet." he replied.

"Good. We're going to enroll into the school when you get enrolled." Natalie smirked. Tweek just giggled before walking over to one of the pictures on the wall. He grabbed it and gently took it down from the wall. He then walked over to his friends and handed the picture to Natalie. 


It's currently lunch time at South Park High. Well, the school had all the grades in it but the students still call it that. Anyways, Craig and his group of friends sat at their usual table with Cartman's group of friends. Clyde was talking about how pretty Bebe is, Token just listened to him, Jimmy was talking to Kyle, and Craig just ate his lunch.

Cartman soon came over and sat down. 

None of them really acknowledged him, he just made his presence known by saying, "Fuck you too." and then eating his lunch. Other than that, he was relatively quiet which was quite weird for him. There was not much chatter in the group other than Clyde's chatter about Bebe after Jimmy and Kyle both fell silent.

"I saw a police car outside my house yesterday." Stan suddenly said. 

"Did your dad get arrested again, dude?" Kyle asked him. 

He shook his head before saying, "A blonde kid exited the car. He seemed like he didn't know where he was, but the police officer told him something and he went into the Tweak's house." the noirette said before continuing to eat.

"Why didn't you mention that this morning?" Kenny questioned him. 

"I thought that it shouldn't be mentioned at that time." he replied to his friend. 

"Tweek's home." Clyde mentioned with a smile. Craig sighed before getting his phone out.

FuckingFuckYou: Clyde, shut up.

ClydeistheHottestGuy: They deserve to know, Craig.

FuckingFuckYou: Cartman was a bully to Tweek when we were younger.

ClydeistheHottestGuy: Cartman basically bullied everyone back then.

FuckingFuckYou: That doesn't help the fact that he might start picking on Tweek again.

NattheSnacc: We'll protect Twe.

TaycanSlay: Yep. So, stay out of our way.

AnxiouslyDead: 私はこの場所について何も覚えていない。それは皆さんが私をいじめることができるものです.

(Translation: I don't remember anything about this place. That's something that all of you can bully me about.)  


Tweek watched as Natalie examined the picture for a moment before pointing to the blonde boy in it. 

"I'm pretty sure that's you. He has the same crazy hair that you used to have." she said, smiling before handing the picture back to him. He nodded before putting it back where it was. 

"私はここにいたくない." (Translation: I don't want to be here.) he said with a sigh.

Taylor, Jonathan, and Evan looked at him in confusion. None of them had bothered to learn Japanese even after both Tweek and Natalie begged them to. Nat tried to cheer him up before suggesting that they get out of the house. Everyone agreed and they left the house to go to the park. 

It took them awhile to find it again and as soon as they got there, Jonathan and Evan decided to see who could get to the monkey bars the fastest. While those two were doing that, Natalie and Taylor dragged Tweek over to a bench and had him tell them about what all happened before they got to the town in detail.

It was about 3:30 when the group decided that it was time to go before they were stopped by a group of males. Tweek recognized four of them from that morning, but the other four were complete strangers. He froze up as soon as he saw them approaching him and his friends. 

"どこかに行って." (Translation: Go away.) he said, a hint of fear hidden in his voice. 

"Twe、さあ. 彼らがおそらく私たちを傷つける前に、ここから出なければならない." (Translation: Twe, come on. We gotta get out of here before they possibly hurt us.) Nat said, trying to get him to move.

He kept his eye on the fat kid of the group. Something about him triggered a memory he had suppressed into the back of his mind. 

"キャットマン、忘れないで! 私にもう一度やらないでください!" (Translation: STAY AWAY, CARTMAN! PLEASE DON'T HIT ME AGAIN!) Tweek yelled all of a sudden, shutting his eyes and grabbing his hair. Natalie and Taylor ran over to him and attempted to calm him, but the presence of his childhood tormentor from 4th grade just increased his panic.

The group of unknown boys had all stopped after his outburst, all of them confused about what had caused it and why. Jonathan and Evan got infront of their friends and attempted to get the other group to leave. Half of them got the idea and walked away, but not too far so they can see what happens next and the other half just stood their ground. Thankfully the fat kid was in the group that had walked away, since Tweek had started to relax.

"Twe, what made you go into a panic attack?" Taylor asked him as soon as he was calm enough to talk about it. 

"T-the f-fa-fat kid." was all he said. 

"Is that why you yelled at someone named Cartman to not hit you?" Natalie asked him and he nodded. Both of them helped him up and the group started their journey back to the Tweak residence.

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