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"What do you mean he doesn't want to come home?" Bebe questioned her friend. 

"He said that his parents are planning on sending him somewhere. I don't know what to do, Bebe. Can you come here with Craig? I think he might be able to talk some sense into Tweek." Wendy replied back, glancing at the blonde male to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid.

"I'll see if he'll come with me. Clyde might tag along though." was the response. 

"Clyde might only make him panic. Just tell him that Craig is the only one needed and if he needs to come along to just stay quiet. We don't want Tweek to do anything he might regret." the noirette stated before hanging up. She turned to the blonde male and said calmly, "Tweek Tweak, Bebe and Craig will be here soon. Just try to listen and stay calm."

That only made him panic more, his twitching worsened as he stared at Wendy with fearful eyes. 

"Stop trying to make me come home. I don't want to go." he said, backing away. She kept trying to keep him calm til she heard Bebe's voice coming closer. 

"Tweek, they're here. We don't want to alarm you. We just want you to come home." she said, keeping her eye on him.

Bebe entered the clearing followed by Craig and Clyde. 

"Craig, go on and talk to him." Wendy said turning to them. Tweek took this time to run from them, not wanting to face anyone else from South Park. Once he was far enough away, he sat down beside one of the many trees. He didn't know where he was, but he didn't care. 

He looked up at the stars and smiled. 

"I hope that I'll be with you soon, guys." he mumbled. Tweek just watched the sky, his eyes started getting heavy until he finally closed them.


He woke up in what looked like a cafeteria. He got up and looked around. The people there looked like 4th graders, though their faces were blank. He started to slowly walk around before stopping by a group of kids. They were all to familiar. 

"TWEEE! JONATHAN STOLE MY FRIES!" a little girl with pigtails yelled out, glaring at a younger Jonathan. 

"I didn't steal your fries, Natalie!" he replied back while a younger version of Tweek was trying to get him to give her fries back. 

"Ok, you two. Stop that." another girl stated, eating her food while another little boy was laughing.

Tweek couldn't help smiling at the scene infront of him. He remembered that after this happened, they all had to go to the principal's office for starting a food fight. He chuckled silently before turning around to see that the cafeteria had changed to the playground at South Park elementary. 

It was the day before he had ran away. He saw a group of young boys, most of them laughing about something. He walked towards them and saw that they were him and the boys he had met when he returned. They seemed to be laughing at the fact that Kyle had beat Cartman's ass. 

"Dude! You should've seen his face when he realized that he couldn't beat me!" the redhead stated proudly. The younger Tweek walked away from the group, heading towards the edge of the playground. Tweek followed, curious about what younger him was doing. Once they got to the edge of the playground, the world around them stopped.

The young blonde turned around and looked up at his older self. 

"H-hey older me! GAH!" he said, smiling a bit. "I-I see t-that y-yo-you didn't f-fo-forget me after all." he twitched a bit. 

"Forget you? Why would you think that I'd forget the kid version of myself?" the older of the two questioned. 

"W-well I've b-be-been stuck in t-the back of your b-brain f-for y-years." was the response he got.

The scenery around them changed to a black void. 

"O-older me, I-I know you w-want to d-die. P-please just d-do-don't attempt. I-it's not w-worth it. Y-you'll j-just wake up b-back in the p-past like Kenny d-does." younger Tweek said. 

"Wait, Kenny is stuck in the past?" his older counterpart questioned. 

"Y-yep. He t-told me a-ab-about t-the f-fu-future. I d-di-didn't believe h-him until now." Tweek watched as his younger self started pulling on his hair.

"T-that means h-he's right a-ab-about e-ev-eve-everyone dying a-and him w-watching them as t-they die! GAH!" the 10 year old mumbled before looked back up at his counterpart. "L-listen, I k-kn-know I c-can't c-co-convince you to d-do a-anything. J-just w-whatever you d-do when y-you wake up, t-think about what I s-said. I-if y-you choose to k-kill y-yourself off, I'll s-see you again s-so y-you can come b-back to the p-past and fix y-your mistakes. I-if y-you decide t-to keep living in this t-timeline, you're g-gonna l-live out y-your w-whole l-life. It's y-your choice, o-older me. I h-have to go. S-see you soon." he said with another twitch before walking up to his counterpart to hug him. 

The 10 year old then turned around and walked away, disappearing into the darkness. Tweek let out a sigh before closing his eyes.

~Dream End~

Tweek woke up to familiar voices, letting out a groan. He slowly opened his eyes to see Wendy, Bebe, Craig, and Clyde. 

"See, he isn't dead, Clyde." Craig stated glancing at the brunette. Wendy helped Tweek up, muttering something under her breath. 

"Take me to one of the cliffs here. I gotta do something." Tweek said out of nowhere.

Clyde immediately tried to change the blonde's mind, but he's decided to go back. 

"Go get the others if you want, but my mind is made up." he stated before running away from the group. Wendy looked at Clyde and Craig. 

"Follow him. Bebe and I will go back to town and get everyone else." she stated before she and Bebe left the two males to follow Tweek.

They did as the noirette female said and followed the blonde. They talked to each other to keep the tension of the situation away. Both males didn't really know what to expect, but when they found Tweek; he was standing on the edge of one of the many cliffs.

"Tweekers...?" Clyde said, looking at his friend. Footsteps neared them, as Tweek looked back at his friends. Wendy and Bebe entered the area followed by the others in their friend group and Tweek's parents. 

"Tweek! Son, come home." Mrs. Tweek yelled out. 

Tweek just smiled and said, "I'll see you guys in the past." He then turned around and started humming, before jumping off the cliff.

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