Chapter 3

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Everly's POV

The Next day....

I awake the next day to Maverick screaming his lungs out. I slowly get up from my bed and make my way over to my screaming boy. Once I am in his line of sight he stops crying, his cheeks were stained with tears. I wipe them away and pick him up, resting him on my hip I take him over to the bed where Aiden still lays dead asleep. I kiss his lips, and wait for him to wake.

"Five more minutes baby." He rolls over on to his stomach and throws a pillow over his head. I roll my eyes at him and come up with a genius way to wake him up. I set Maverick down next to his head, and make a face towards him that he hates. He starts to scream bloody murder again, making Aiden jump and fall out of bed. This amuses Maverick and he starts to laugh at his silly daddy. "That was so uncalled for babe."

"Well you needed to wake up, and we have to deal with that women today. I can feel the panic within he kingdom with her being here." Aiden looks at me and nods his head in understanding, he picks up a laughing Maverick and we head to the closet to get ready. While I was getting dressed, Aiden dress our little boy and gets ready as well.

"Aiden! Everly! Come here quickly!!" We hear Jackson through our door. I grab Maverick and follow Aiden. When we open our door Ceara, my mom, and Jackson were all standing there. "Your mom and Ceara are gonna watch Maverick, and guards are posted everywhere, you two need to come now."

My mom takes my son, and we all run behind Jackson. He leads us to the throne room. When we enter it was a blood bath. I see guards dead, and half alive, in the middle of all of it was Aiden's birth mother who had a diver chain around Maria's neck. My dad, Jackson's dad and two other guards were holding back Blake. He was on the verge of tears seeing and feeling his mate in pain. Maria was crying and trying to hold as still as possible.

"Aiden! My baby boy....tell them, tell them I'm your mother, and not this bitch." This women had a crazy look in her eyes as she yanked the chains causing Maria to cry in pain. Aiden try's to rush towards her but she pulls out a gun. "One step closer and I'll kill your mate." She loves the gun and points it at me. M heart began to beat a mile a minute. I kept a straight face and exhaled a hard breathe. I look at Aiden and I could see him turning.

"Rachel! Do you not see what your doing is crazy!?" My dad yells at the woman, who I now know he name of. "Your not going to make it through this. You are not Aiden's mother, you gave up that right the minute you tricked Blake into mating you."

"No! He is my mate! Aiden is my son! No one will keep my son from me!!" Next thing I know I hear a bang and feel a sting in my chest.

Time stood still.

I look to my chest and see blood pouring out of it, I reach my hand up to touch it but then feel my self falling to the ground and it becoming very hard to breathe. My body hits the floor, and I feel blood in my throat I do my best to spit it out but there was to much. I can see Aiden running towards me as guards attack Rachel, she drops the gun and tries to run but Blake catches her and rips her throat out. All the guards began to rip her apart, it was complete carnage.

"Everly look at me!" Aiden's voice was so faint in my head. I could barely hear him as I was fading into darkness. I see another man joining his side as he tired to keep me awake.

A single tear ran down my cheek. I took what little strength I had left to speak to Aiden.

"Don' die..." I say it in between blood spewing out of my mouth.

"I won't I promise. Save her!!" He yells at the man.

With that last thing said I feel my eyes close on me.

Aiden's POV

"Everly! No stay with me!" I shake her limp body, the doctor was working fast to put a type of potion or medicine in her that will help her heal as fast as possible. "Why isn't it working!?" I yell at the man.

"The bullet must have wolfsbane on it. I need to dig it out. How fast can you run to the infirmary?" He grabs his bags, while I pick up Everly and we sprint to the infirmary. Once we got there everybody was ready waiting for us. "Stay here my king, I promise she will live." I put Everly on the gurney and watch them take her away. I drop to my knees and feel wet, hot tears pouring down my face.

In the distance I could hear my name being called but ignored it. Soon the doors were swung open and in cane my mom.

"Aiden." She looked at me with tears running down her face and red marks around her neck. I get up and walk over to her.

"Mom." She brings me to her and hugs me close to her. "She can't die. I can't loose her mom."

"You won't sweetheart, you won't." I hear someone else walk in the doors, and feel the presence of my dad. He puts his hand on the back of my neck and brings both of us close to each other. My dad has been through the ringer today, he almost lost both mom and I. My parents are just as important and my mate, and I don't know what I would do if they weren't here with me right now.

"My king." I quickly remove myself from their arms and turn to the doctor. "She will live. I was able to get the bullet put no problem. She did loose a lot of blood and one of her lungs collapsed but we were able to repair it all and her healing played a big part in it. We are keeping her sleep for the rest of the day so we can watch her healing and make sure the lung doesn't collapse again. The nurses are in recovery with her. Why don't you go get cleaned up and I'll call you when she is in her room."

"Thank you doc." I shook his hand and feel my body just want to collapse. My mate is alive.

My Everly is alive.

"Come on son, let's get this blood off you." My parents lead me out of the room and towards the master suite. I could hear my son on the other side, he didn't sound happy. When we enter the room his screams filled our ears. Once his eyes landed on me he stopped instantly. I walk over to him and pick him up not caring about the blood.

"How is she?!" Emilia asked.

"She is doing fine. The doctors were able to get the bullet, and patched her right up." My dad answered her while I focused on Maverick. "Son go take a shower. Your mom will give Maverick a bath as well."

"I'll do it. You guys go get cleaned up as well, mom needs her necked looked at." Without another word I walk to the bathroom. I turn the tub on and get Maverick ready for a bath. I stripped myself of my shirt and throw it in a corner of the bathroom not caring where it was going. I set Maverick in the bath, he goes straight into playing with the water, his smile could light up a room.

That smile was what I needed right now, he was what I needed right now while his mom was basically fighting for her life still.

I take a deep breathe and finish his bath, once he was done I go into the room, and make sure everything was locked and every curtain was closed. I sense guards outside the door, they were on high alert after their Queen was almost killed.

I will figure out how this happened. I will make sure it doesn't happen again.

I promise.

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