Depression (3)

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It had been a tough 3 weeks. Katie refused to let anyone visit, It took a week before Katie even agreed to see her sisters. She only spoke when she had too and she barely ate. Which was surprising with the amount of vomiting that was caused by her medication. Fred and I took turns sleeping in the uncomfterble hospital beds with Katie everynight. We could tell that she was keeping a lot from us but so were we.

"Ready to go?" Fred asked while shoving the rest of Katie's clothes into a duffle bag. She nodded. I swung the duffle bag over my shoulder and grabbed Katie's crutches. Fred picked Katie up and carried her to the lobby. She had lost a lot of weight being here because Fred rarely picked her up before. I signed a few papers and we headed out to the parking lot. Fred placed Katie in the back seat of our black buick enclave.

When we got onto the highway home I thought it was a good time to tell Katie some of the stuff we were keeping from her. "So we didn't want to tell you this while you were in the hospital but there were photos leaked of you being carried out of that building."

"Do they know what happend?" she asked staring at the ground.

"No. There are a lot of theories but I told the FBI to not release the forms."

Katie continued to stare at the floor. "What did you tell people?"

"I told twitter that you were going through some stuff and won't be returning for a while. Then I just linked the message on your instagram and youtube."

"Thank you. What about work and my friends?"

"Nothing I didn't know what you wanted me to say."

"Oh." Katie replied upset.

We pulled into our driveway and got out.

"Can I have my crutches? I want to walk."

Fred handed her her crutches and she limped inside

<Katie's POV>

I opened our front door and limped inside. I dropped the keys and kicked off my shoes.

"Katie!" I heard Molly scream as she ran toawds me.

"Hey. Where's Matt?"

"He flew home last week." Molly replied confused

"Then who is watching you guys? Mom and Dad have been with me for the whole week." I replied confused. I could feel Lana and Fred come in behind me conveniently at that same time.

"You didn't tell her?" Molly said looking past me at our parents.

Then Jen came shamefully walking out of the kitchen. "Hi." She smiled

Jen was the last person I wanted to talk to and Lana knew that. She was always judgmental and hard to talk too. I really didn't want to see anyone besides my family. Just as I thought it couldn't get any worse Luna came out with Adam and Eddie. I turned to my Dad and in sign language said "Can you take me upstairs?" He understood.

"I've never seen you use sign language like that?" He said setting me down on my bed.

"You mean to talk behind peoples back?"


"Well Molly being hard of hearing wasn't my only motivation for learning it."

He laughed "Do you want anything?"


He nodded and headed out.

"Alexa play Once upon a time on netflix."

Forever {A Lana Parrilla FanFiction} Re writtenWhere stories live. Discover now