part 4

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Katie came out of the bathroom with a empty test box now filled with 4 tests.

"I'm too scared to look at them." She whispered.

"Would it be easier for you to sleep if you know, or can you wait?"

She shrugged.

"Let's go to bed then."

She nodded and followed me down the hall to her room. She lied down on her bed and I crawled in next to her.

"What are you doing?" She asked

"Making sure you don't do anything stupid." I leaned over and turned off the lamp. "I love you."


The next morning......

I felt Katie get up so naturally so did I. I opened my eyes and saw her sitting at the edge of the bed staring at the ground. I sat up and rubbed her back. "How are you feeling?"

"Sick." She replied quietly.

"Are you ready to see the results?"

She nodded

I pulled the box out of the drawer on her night stand and dumped the tests onto her bed. She stared in silence for a while.

"It could be a false positive." I said in shock.

Katie didn't respond.

"Don't tell anyone." She whispered as I got up to leave the room.

"Ok." I walked into my room and grabbed my macbook off the nightstand.

"Hey Babe." Fred said walking in and sitting down next to me.

I frantically closed the google page I was just looking at on teen pregnancy clinics and opened my email. "Hey."

"You disappeared last night what happened?"

"Oh nothing. Katie just wasn't feeling well."

"Is she feeling better?" He asked

"I'm not sure, I think I'm going to run her to the doctor later today."

"Oh ok." He responded placing a kiss on my forehead. "Isn't a little early to be checking your email?"

"Uhhhh.... Adam said he was going to send over some paper work Katie needed to fill out quickly. I was just checking to see if he had sent it yet." I lied

"Well I made pancakes. Molly is the only one eating them, so there are plenty for you." He said charmingly.

"Ok babe." I smiled as I got up to leave.

I pushed Katie's door open a crack. She was laying on her bed curled up in a ball staring blankly.

"I found a place that we can go and confirm." I said quietly

Katie nodded.

"Their only open spot was in 30 minutes so we have to leave now. Dad made pancakes." I bribed

Katie sat up and pulled a black hoodie over her old band t-shirt she wore to bed. "I'm not hungry for pancakes." She whispered, Walking past me with her head down.


"We're leaving, Fred." I called from the basement door.

"You don't want pancakes?" He asked disappointed

"We don't have time." I screamed running down the stairs and out to the car.

Forever {A Lana Parrilla FanFiction} Re writtenWhere stories live. Discover now