The letter

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Dear Bobby,
I just wanted to tell you I am sorry for leaving you.. I'm sorry I didn't tell you & be honest with you.. I'm so proud of you for why you have achieved, for what you have become..
I wish I could have been strong like you, but that's not the case..

I also wanted to say sorry for how I reacted to you and Lucy.. she is my best friend and the thought of you two pissed me off I won't deny it.. you know the rule thing best mates and sisters.. well in this case brother and best mate..

We both know I loved Lucy.. she was my first love and Sophia was the only one who just about matched up against Lucy, I know stupid right?
She is amazing so please don't waste time with her... love her, look after her, be there for her, encourage her.. she was the one that got away for me in all honestly and I'm pleased she is with you deep down.. I told need to tell her to look after you because I'm 99% sure she already does..

Bobby, I'm proud of you and I'm proud of her too.. please enjoy life, enjoy each other..

I am hoping Sophia has given you this letter and the business card.. go see Alan tell him who you are and he will sort everything out... I am hoping your holding the cheque I have written out, well i have already paid my deposit so you just need to find the rest!! Do the right thing and marry her.. do it.. ago pick a ring so book a honey moon..
I have done this because I want you guys to have the most perfect life possible... also Bobby I know you will already know this hopefully.. o have paid off what you owed in the gym.. don't thank me, don't be angry.. I've put it to good use to help others because otherwise it will sit in a bank doing nothing.. so do please marry Alex..

You two are perfect together..

Love you both dearly and I know I'll never be far away from your hearts!


Your brother

dan xx

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