Lucy & Bobby

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"Bobby come on tell me where are we going"
Excitedly asking

"It's a surprise babe.."


"Just step up one... welldone... okay open.."

Opening her eyes to come face to face a older looking chap, grey hair with a beard.. his bright blue grey eyes were piercing.


"Alan good to see you again."

"And you must be Lucy?"

"Yes.." she asked

"Babe.. umm look.. I love you & umm Alan is good friends with dan.. dan has umm sorted out a wedding ring an honeymoon.."

"Are you asking me?" She beamed

His hands are sweaty, mouth was dry, his heart pounding

"What?" she replied with a shocked tone
"I know.. he had arranged it all, we have just had to turn up"
"Dan did this?" she pointed to the floor as though she was point at that very moment

"I know unreal isn't it.. weird actually but yeah he did.."
" I'm confused."

"you want to marry me don't you?" his words were searching for the answer he wanted to hear

"of course I do.. but how did Dan know and he did he know how much to pay?"
"he didn't.. took a guess!" she smiled sweetly before looking back to Alan who was generously holding a silver tray which had x2 glasses of champagne on it.

"please take a glass.. congratulations you two." Alan spoke clearly and proudly.

Walking around the glass cabinets in the jewelers was over whelming god knows how she was feeling. She stood still staring down.

"this one!" she spoke but didn't move
"this one?" Alan asked her again
"this one.!" She pointed again as Alan took out the white tray that held the blue velvet cushion
"its beautiful" is all Bobby could say
"here you go.." Alan brought out this beautiful simple looking ring that was being hugged by the blue velvet. Her eyes lit up

Silence was golden and she was transfixed on the ring that was in her fingertips.

"Babe if you want this then you have it.."
"really?" her smile was precious.
"Course.. Cost?" Bobby asked Alan.
"there is enough money there for this.. actually pick something else.." he smiled
"no I cant.."
"you can and you have too Madame. The ring doesn't take the full amount so please chose something else."
"babe." Bobby was unsure just as much as she was
"how much.."
"roughly and £1,000 Madame."
"what but this is already £5,000" gasping
"yes Madame.. the money is there and Dan gave me strict instruction you are to use every single penny!"
"no I cant..we cant"
"babe pick something." Feeling tearful she found a necklace and ear rings that were just beautiful...

The rings went on order and while the earrings and necklace was packaged up in a very cute pale purple box which is held together with a beautiful cream ribbon.

"How did he know to do this?" she asked Bobby
"I don't know babe!"
"but I don't understand.. How did he do this? Never mind why?"
"I don't know.. He wrote me a letter. Sophia gave it to me that day.. I guess he just wants us to be okay!"
"why won't we be okay!"
"he just wants us to be okay and happy... Dan loved you and he wants you to have the best of the best.. fancy going to book the honey moon then!"
"why not book the wedding!" she laughed
"if you want to go abroad to get married we can!"
"yeah.. deep down I know Dan would have preferred an abroad wedding!"


Glorious sunshine, warm breeze coming of the sea. Not a cloud in the sky. The soft sound of music played amongst the quiet chatter of the guests. The white arch that stood over, pale pink flowers and the leaves gave shade. Chairs covered In White fabric with a pale pink ribbon tied into a bow.

There she was standing as pretty as a picture.. this amazing women standing there walking to me.. going to marry me.. her dress was simple but beautiful, tight fitted, beautiful pastel coloured flowers in her hands, her hair was loosely up with ringlets falling down.

Hanging from her flowers was Dans st Christopher. She is a beauty slowly getting closer and closer.

"Hello" She was only able to whisper
"Your beautiful wow" her sweet and innocent smile was precious
"I'm pleased I stole your kiss" is all was able to be spoken

"Okay are we ready to become husband and wife?"The small plump priest asked who stood Smiling


A stolen kiss between a best friend & brother Where stories live. Discover now