Chapter 10

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"Ah. Fuck. That hurt, Renee." Dean hissed, as his friend, Renee Young, was applying some disinfectant on the cuts he had on his face.

"Hold still, will you?" She said. "There. I'm done."

"Thanks." He grumbled. He was still pretty pissed about his loss tonight. And to top it all off, he now had two new guys in the company to worry about.

"You're still upset about the match?"

"Yeah. I'll get my revenge though. Those fuckers will wish they never messed with me." He growled out.

"You don't know who they are?"

"No. They must recently just been hired. They told me they were new referees. Well, now I know fucking truth about them."

"Dean, calm down."

"If I see them again, I'll make them pay for what they had done." He punched his fist into the wall. "I had my chance, to win the World Heavyweight title. But, I failed...again...whats wrong with me, Renee?"

"Its not your fault that you lost tonight. Don't blame yourself. You'll get your chance someday, just now wasn't the right time."

He let out a long sigh, running a hand down his face. "I hope you're right...I just...I keep getting screwed over...I feel like such a failure. I feel I can't do anything right."

She gave him a small smile. "Of course you can..."

"I can't even be a good friend to know, we haven't spoken for quite a while now. I think he hates me after what I did..."


"I let the rumors that were spreading around get to me. I tried pulling a dirty deeds on him before Fastlane. I fucking attacked him with a chair! I let it all get to my head and now he doesn't trust me anymore! I ruined our friendship."

"He doesn't hate you, Dean. He just been busy getting ready for Wrestlemania this year is all. Just give him time, he'll come around."


"Shit, shit shit!" Seth yelled, as Roman was driving the car.


"Theres already an article online speculating on who the 'two guys' that interfered with tonight's main even are."

"Did it mention our names?"

"No, but your fucking picture is in it! That was a bad idea! We should have stayed backstage!"

"Seth, if we didn't go out there, Dean would have won the match."

"If we have waited instead, than the actual guys who were supposed to interfere would have came out. I'm going to kill you, Roman Reigns! You're going to be the death of me!" He said, poking his chest.

"Seth, I just thought of something..."

"What is it?"

"What if it was us that was supposed to interfere tonight, to stop Dean?"

"What are you talking about?"

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