Chapter 1

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Liam POV
Zayn told us that he's a little. At first we were confused, but he explained what he meant and we all thought he was lying. I mean come on it's Zayn!!! If anyone I would have thought Harry cause he's the youngest. We all looked at him shocked. He looked at all of us. In that moment I realized what he wanted us to do.

"Do you want us to uh... be your dads?" I asked looking at him.

"Um, well I was, uh thinking." He looked down blushing furiously.

I smiled at how cute and timid he looked. I lifted his chin and looked into his eyes.

"I will be glad to." I said.

He just looked at me with a smile on his face. All of the boys agreed to be daddies too. I smiled at that. Zayn has been easing into being little like playing with toys or  watching Disney movies or getting excited about little things. He calls us all daddy. It was weird at first but we all got used to it. We got him a ton of baby stuff. We got him onesies and pacifiers. We also got him diapers but he doesn't like them. He throws tantrums and cries. He talks in a baby voice too.
He only breaks character when he has to. He's old Zayn when we have work and stuff but otherwise he like this all the time. We went to the park today and we were the only ones there so Zayn was little.

"I want to go on the slide." He said running up to the playground set they had.

Even though Harry and Niall are younger than Zayn they treat him like he's younger. We all went up to the slides that Zayn was at the top of.

"Be careful Zeezee." Harry said ready to catch Zayn at the bottom of the slide. He said wee all the way down. Harry embraced him in a hug and Zayn just giggled. After we played in the park it was almost time for Zayn's bedtime. We loaded up and went back home. I carried Zayn in since I'm the strongest and laid Zayn in his room and got him in a onesie.

"I not tired daddy." He said obviously lying.

"I think you are." I said smirking at him.

He sat up and looked at me. I came over and laid him back down and I laid down with him. He snuggled up to me and we cuddled for a bit. I put a pacifier in his mouth and he fell asleep. I had some work to do so I left him on his own. When he woke up he was crying and Louis went to check on him. When he came back he said he had a nightmare. We all went to comfort him but when came back he was crying again.

"Why are you crying baby?" I asked confused.

He looked at us and pulled the blankets away. There was a big wet spot and his pants were drenched.

"I hic had a-accident." Was all he said.

We got to work straight away Niall started a bath as I picked up Zayn and brought him to the bathroom. I stripped him of his clothes and he was completely bare butt naked. He was probably to tired and hysterical at this point to realize this though. He was set in the bath tub and washed up. He calmed down a bit and was sniffling.

"I sowwy." He said shamefully looking down.

"It's not your fault baby, you were just scared of that nightmare." I said reassuringly.

I lifted him out of the tub and when he realized he was naked his eyes widened and he looked down and his face and ears turned bright red. I gave him a towel. He usually showered and went to the bathroom by himself. I like to take care of him when he's like this. Giving him a bath was fun, but I also had another idea. I went and got a diaper. Zayn is not going to like this. I came back to the bathroom and his eyes widened when he saw what I had. I called the boys in and told them to hold him down. We brought him in his room to his bed which now had new sheets and laid him down. He put up quite a fight. He screamed, kicked, punched, and even started crying but we did get it on him. He tried to unstrap it and rip it but it seemed to be baby proof and Zayn proof. He cried and struggled but we all snuggled in by him and he fell into deep sleep with all his daddies cradling him.

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