Chapter 2

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Liam POV
Luckily, Zayn didn't have another accident while we were with him. I kind of wanted him to go in his diaper. I'm weird right. I talked to the other boys and they agree with me. Zayn looks so cute with one on anyway. We let him sleep in for a bit before we woke him up.

"Zeezee, it's time to wake up." Harry said.

"Yeah, come on baby Zee the day has begun." Niall announced.

He woke up after a bit more coaxing. He smiled at us and we all thought it was adorable. He looked down and frowned remembering the diaper.

"I a big boy!" He said. "Big boys don't need diapers. He pouted and looked at us with puppy dog eyes.

"Sorry buddy you're going to be in one for the whole day. Louis said.

"I not going to use it" he stated.

"You can't get it off baby." I said calmly trying my best to settle him into the idea.

"But I don't wanna." He said bursting into tears.

We calmed him down saying soothing words and brought him to eat breakfast. He was still sad but his cute clothes were perfect. We just got him a leg less onesie. You know the ones with the snaps. We found an adult leg less onesie with ducks on Amazon. He looked so adorable I can't even handle it. We ate breakfast and decided to watch a movie. You could tell Zayn had to go to the bathroom but he'd never admit that to us. I felt bad watching him shift uncomfortably but this has to be done. We locked the bathroom door so he can't go in there. After the movie we decided to go to the mall. We got Zayn changed into something more appropriate for the mall I mean fans come up to us all the time. His jeans also fit over his diaper and it wasn't even noticeable. He still looked like he had to go to the bathroom but he's not giving up. We shopped for awhile and we split up. I was with Louis. We both were worried that Zayn would hold it all day and that could hurt him. We got some laxatives for later if he keeps this up. The cashier recognized us and asked why we needed laxatives. I said we were pulling a prank. Luckily, the cashier or Linda as her name tag said believed us. We all found each other and went home. When we were in the car Zayn looked miserable and had his legs squeezed together. He looked like he was about to cry but I can't give up yet. We've gotten this far we can last a bit longer. When we were home the boys had work to do but I didn't cause I didn't leave it tell the last minute. Zayn apparently finished too. We sat on the couch and snuggled with each other. I went and made him a bottle that he usually drank and I put some laxatives in it. I brought it back to him and he frowned.

"I not thirsty." He said.

"You barely ate lunch you need to have at least some." I said.

I sat down and cuddled Zayn in my arms. He seemed so small. I popped the bottle in his mouth and told him to drink it. When he drank half I let him stop because he didn't want any to begin with. I snuggled him with me and we watched some TV.

"My tummy hurts daddy." Zayn said clutching his stomach.

"You haven't gone to the bathroom all day." I said.

"You wouldn't let me." He whined.

I sighed and put his head in my lap. He had tears in the corners of his eyes.

"Do you want me to rub your tummy?" I asked.

He just nodded and I rubbed his stomach with a bit of force so he'd have to go.He whimpered a bit. Then it happened.

"Daddy I don't want to!"Where stories live. Discover now