Chapter 9

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Liam POV
I got up and went to Niall's room. He wasn't there. I went to Harry's room. He wasn't there either and neither was Harry. I went to Louis' room to see Louis on the bed clutching his stomach and Niall and Harry sitting next to him trying to comfort him.

"What's wrong?!" I asked.

"We don't know, he won't talk to us." Harry said.

I went over to him.

"Louis? You need to tell me what's wrong." I said firmly.

Louis didn't answer he just groaned. I gently pulled his hands away and made him sit up. He looked at me with confused pleading eyes. He mouthed why so I picked him up and cradled him. I brought him to the living room and laid him on the couch. I went into the kitchen after I grabbed a pillowcase. I filled a third of it with uncooked rice and tied the top. I put it in the microwave and put it in for two minutes. When it was done I walked back into the living room and laid it on Louis' stomach. He sighed in relief but it didn't last long before he was running to the bathroom. I sighed,  got up, and walked over to the bathroom door.

"Louis?" I asked.

I heard a groan for a response. The door luckily was unlocked and I walked in. Louis was sitting on the toilet clutching his stomach. I went over to him and he was crying.

"Why are you crying?" I asked.

"I-I can't." He said.

I nodded knowing exactly what he meant. I stayed with him for awhile before I made him get up and come back to the living room. I laid him down on my lap and rubbed his stomach. He groaned and whimpered. I don't think he has ever been this bad. It makes me cringe when he is this way. I can't help but feel awful for him. His stomach was swollen and I didn't know what to do. Every time I applied more pressure he would groan. I ended up just cuddling him. I must've fallen asleep too because I woke up with Louis still in my lap. It was super early like, 2 in the morning. There was a blanket on top of us. He was sleeping but he looked distressed. I started to rub his stomach again and it looked more swollen than last night. It gurgled and still asleep he moved around a bit. I pressed harder and he started to wake up. I pressed even harder and he finally went. He woke up and started crying. I carried him to the bathroom and changed him. He cried the whole time so I rocked him for awhile until he fell asleep in my arms. I brought him back to his room and laid him down. I went and checked on all of the boys and went back to my room. I finally went to bed wondering what tomorrow would bring.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2018 ⏰

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