Chapter 7

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Liam POV
I grabbed my keys and went outside. It was starting to get dark and I was starting to get worried. I didn't even make it down the driveway before I saw him on his knees balling his eyes out. I ran up to him and picked him up. He struggled against my grip but I just brought him to the bathroom. When I was changing his clothes he kicked and punched and screamed.

"Shhhh you'll wake Niall and Harry!" I snapped.

He stopped screaming but still struggled. When I was done I lifted him up and he kicked and punched. When we got into his room I sat down and he kept trying to squirm out of my grip. He was still crying and he was wearing himself out. He eventually collapsed and relaxed in my arms.

"I'm sorry." He said sniffling.

"It's okay it's not your fault." I replied.

He closed his eyes and drifted off. I got up and went back to the living room and I saw Zayn.

"Oh my God, Zayn I'm so sorry! I was helping with the boys."

"I know I put water my daddies beds." He said gleefully.

I went up and hugged him. I picked him up and brought him to the bathroom. I changed him and put him to bed. I finally went to bed and fell asleep instantly.

The next day
I woke up and went downstairs. Harry was up and he made breakfast. We all ate in silence for the awkwardness that was last night. Niall shot up and ran to the bathroom. The all boys looked at me. I sighed and stood up, I walked over to the bathroom and knocked on the door.

"Are you alright, Ni?" I asked.

He didn't answer. I knocked again.

"Ni, Niall! Seriously are you okay?" I asked frantically.

He still didn't answer.

"NIALL HORAN!" I screamed.

I broke the door down and saw the most heart wrenching sight. Niall was on the ground bawling his eyes out, covering his face with his hands. He was so vulnerable I didn't want to make him feel more upset. I made my way over to him and hugged him. I laid him down and took off his sweatpants and underwear. I cleaned him up and grabbed one of Zayn's diapers. Niall was too upset and didn't realize what I put on him until it was too late.

"I'm not a baby!" He whimpered helplessly. 

"I know it's just till this sickness is over." I reassured.

He nodded and I helped him up. We walked back to the kitchen me holding Niall's hand as he rubbed his teary eyes with the other. Harry and Louis cooed at how cute he looked considering he wasn't wearing pants. His face flushed red and he pulled his shirt down trying to hide it. I lead him to his seat and he sat down and finished eating his breakfast in silence. Zayn kept asking what was wrong with Niall and I just told him that Niall wasn't feeling well. After that we had to go to a photo shoot do I changed Zayn into regular clothes.

"Thanks for the water." Louis said.

"Yeah thanks. I didn't notice it before." Harry said.

"Zayn put it there last night." I said.

They nodded and off we went to the photo shoot.

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