Chapter 6

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Liam POV
The next few days were mostly about us taking care of Zayn. He started to use his diaper but his face would turn tomato red every time I changed him. We didn't talk about it but I knew after awhile he's gotten more comfortable with it. The next day I woke up and remembered that we had a day off today. I went to wake up Zayn. I walked in and shook him gently. He opened his tired eyes and reached out.

"Carry me daddy?" He asked cutely.

"Fine but I'm going to change you first." I said.

I lifted him up and brought him to the bathroom. I laid him on the floor and cleaned him up. Again his face was bright red but he didn't complain. I brought him downstairs and I made breakfast. The boys came down and we all ate. After breakfast I had a headache so I opened the medicine cabinet and grabbed some Advil. I saw the laxatives and remembered what happened. I grabbed them and threw them away. I went and walked back to the living room. I sat down next to Zayn and we started to watch a movie. I must've fallen asleep because I woke up at suppertime. I went and made supper, Zayn was already in the kitchen so I went out to get the boys. We all ate and went back to lounging around. A little bit later Niall, Louis, and Harry were shifting uncomfortably. All at the same time they shot up and ran for the bathroom. Harry made it first and locked the door. I got up and rushed over to them.

"Guys, what's wrong?" I asked worriedly.

They didn't say anything they just pounded on the door.

Louis ran out of the house and Niall grabbed his stomach in pain. He suddenly looked at me in horror.

"What's wrong, what's happening?!" I asked.

"I.....I-I." Was all he could manage. He burst into tears and I didn't know what to do. I hugged him but he pushed me away.

"You have to tell me what's wrong." I said.

"I-I....I soiled my jeans." He said.

I opened my eyes wide. Harry came out and walked straight to his room. I brought Niall into the bathroom and laid him on the floor. I went and got him some new underwear and some sweatpants. I pulled down his jeans and underwear and cleaned him up. He never stopped crying. I carried him to his room and threw away the dirty garments. I rocked him until he fell asleep and I went to check on Harry.

"Harry?" I asked as I knocked on the door.

He didn't respond so I opened the door and I saw Harry crying in the corner. I rushed over to him.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

He shook his head and continued to sob.

"I didn't make it." He whispered barely audible.

"Oh." I said.

I went and picked him up. He pushed me but I carried him to the bathroom and changed him into clean clothes just as I did Niall. Harry cried a lot harder than Niall that it shook his whole body. I carried him back to his room and tried to calm him down. He wouldn't calm down so I got some NyQuil and gave it to him. He whimpered but drank it. He continued to cry but it died down and he started to doze off. I got up and let him sleep. My next mission is to find Louis.

"Daddy I don't want to!"Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя