Chapter 5

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Liam POV
I came over and knelt down. Zayn had his eyes squeezed shut and his face was flushed red, even his ears were red.

" Liam hold his arms and Niall and Harry take a leg." He said.

We did as we were told and Zayn opened his eyes and looked at me. He had the most depressed look on his face.

"It's going to be okay." I whispered softly so the others couldn't hear.

Louis started to rub Zayn's stomach harshly. His stomach gurgled and his face contorted in pain and discomfort. Louis rubbed harder and Zayn whimpered and released his discharge.
He cried so hard that he was shaking and I just wanted to hug him and tell him he'd never have to do this again. Louis changed his diaper and picked him up. We followed him into Zayn's room and he laid him down and left. He just left. What is wrong with him?! Harry and Niall walked out too. I went up to Zayn and I looked at him sympathetically. He started crying again and I brought him to my chest embracing him and I felt him bury his face in my shoulder. We sat there for a couple of minutes and Zayn's cries turned into small hiccups. He really looked like a baby but I just kept a firm hold on him. He looked up at me and smiled.

"Thank you." He whispered in his normal voice.

"Why don't you just go in the diaper?" I asked.

"It's humiliating and gross. I hate it." He said.

"I'm sorry I can't do anything about it." I said sadly.

"Why can't you?" He asked.

"Louis is scary. I may be taller and stronger but he is way more intimidating." I said nervously.

"Li li? He asked.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Stay with me." He said.

I smiled and moved him over. He snuggled in my chest and I realized that he felt a bit warm. His stomach gurgled and he whimpered.

"Are you okay?" I asked worriedly.

"I feel icky." He said back in his baby voice.

"Are you going to be sicky?" I said in a parentally tone.

He nodded his head and gagged. I quickly grabbed the trash bin and put it under his chin. He threw up the contents of his stomach. When he was done he made grabby hands at me and I hugged him. I felt so bad for him. This  day went horribly for him and now he's sick. He shivered and snuggled closer.

"Baby I need to get you a thermometer and some other supplies." I said releasing him.

"Don't go Li li, I want you to stay here." He pleaded.

"I'll be right back baby." I said grabbing the trash bin to empty out. I walked out and went to the kitchen. The boys were sitting there sad expressions on their faces.

"What are you guys doing up?" I asked.

"I feel so bad for Zayn. I shouldn't have done that. I feel so mean. I was just angry and took it out on him." Louis ranted.

"Well I'd love to stay and chat but Zayn is sick." I said emptying the trash bin.

"What!" Louis exclaimed. "What can   I-we do to help."

"Can you get supplies while I go check on him?" I asked.

They nodded and I head back to Zayn's room. Zayn was wrapped up in the blankets crying. I went over to him and pulled him close to me.

"The boys are going to help." I said.

He looked terrified and sobbed even harder.

"They are sorry about what they did and they just want to make it up to you. I won't let them do that to you again." I said.

He visibly relaxed and calmed down. I put my hand on his forehead and he was burning up. I took the blankets off him.

"Daddy I cold." He said trying to grab the blankets.

"I know baby, but you have a fever and you need to cool down." I said with a pained voice.

He let go of me and gagged. I grabbed the bin and put under his mouth just in time. What was left of his stomach poured into the bin. He was vomiting violently and shaking. The boys walked in and watched with looks of sympathy. When he was done he collapsed in my arms. He tried to sit up but was too weak. I lifted him into my lap and he snuggled up to me the best he could. All the boys cooed at this and Zayn looked up noticing the boys that were in his room. He turned away burying his face in my chest. The boys came over and sat on the bed. They all apologized and hugged him lightly. He forgave them too.

"Daddy I don't want to!"Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon