Chapter 1: A New Friend

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It was a nice lovely day in Outertale. It was not too quiet, but not too loud either, just the way Error liked it. Then suddenly, Error realized a small cry could be heard and got curious to who could be crying on such a beautiful day. 'Hmm, maybe I should go and see who it is, they sound really sad..' Error thought to himself and with that he got up and listened closely to know where it was coming from. He then ran towards the crying sound, as he got there he saw a small skeleton with a neon jacket, a hat backwards and he had a pair of shades on.

"H-Hey, why are you crying?" Error asked, in a soft calming voice. The smaller skeleton jumped and looked up to see him. He was a little surprised and shocked. "W-Wha?" He stuttered, in a sad tone. "I said.. Why are you crying on a beautiful day like this?" Error said, in a cheerful tone.

"I-I um... I-I'm sad because everyone keeps making f-fun of me..." Error walked a little closer to the smaller skeleton. "Why would they do that?" The smaller skeleton moved back a bit. "P-Probably my eyes..." He said quietly, sounding even more sad. Even though it was quietly said, Error heard it.

"I hate my eyes, I wish they would disappear..." Error sat down next to the skeleton and looked at him. "Your eyes? Can I see them?" He looked down. "N-No! I-I don't want a-anyone to see them.. Y-You'll probably make fun of them, just like all the other kids did!" He said, almost yelling. Error could see tears drip down the smaller skeleton's face.

"I pinky promise, I won't laugh at them!" Error then held out his pinky, the smaller skeleton just looked at it for a moment and then wrapped his pinky around the other. "O-Okay deal!" He said, smiling a bit. Error seemed happy to see his mood, change a little better. The smaller skeleton then took his shades off, but his eyes were closed. He then slowly opened them, revealing an upside down purple heart and a regular purple eye. Error gasped and smiled.

"Wow! T-There beautiful!! The most beautiful eyes I've ever seen!!" The smaller skeleton was shocked and surprised to hear him say that. "R-Really!?" Error nods his head and moved his face closer to the smaller skeletons face.

"Yeah! It's like the galaxy is in your eyes! I could stare at them for hours, if you let me!" Error got even closer, if he moves closer, they'd kiss. "My name's Error! What's yours?" Error finally said, pulling back and took his hand out for him to shake.

"M-My name is, Fresh!" He said, shaking Error's hand. "D-Does this mean we're friends?" Fresh asked. "Yeah, we are!" Error said, excitedly. "So, who in the world made fun of your beautiful eyes?.." Error asked, in a more threatening way.

"J-Just some mean kids..." Fresh said, about to put his shades on. "W-Wait! Don't put them on. P-Please, I really like your eyes a-and I want to see them!" Error could fee his face heat up a little, as Fresh agreed not to put them on, only when Error was around.

After a long time of talking and playing, they then decided to get some nice cream. "So, what type of nice cream do you want?" Error asked, the smaller skeleton. "A-Any kind, thanks!" Error smiled happily, as he gave Fresh his nice cream.

"T-Thank you, Error!" Fresh said in a sweet soft tone, making Error's face heat up, as if his skull was on fire. "Y-Y-You're welcome!" Error stuttered, nervously. They then both went to a cliff and gazed out at the beautiful stars, as they ate their nice creams.

"They're so beautiful!" Fresh said happily. "They're not as beautiful as you though." Error said softly, in a sweet way. Fresh gave Error a happy and warm smile, as he looks at the beautiful stars.

"So, where do you live?" Fresh asked, curiously. "O-Oh, I live in the Anti-Void." Error answered. "Where do you live?" He asked Fresh. "I live anywhere.." Error was a little more curious now. "Like what universe?" Fresh stayed quiet for a second.

"Ya see, I don't really have a universe, nor home, nor family, nor friends... Except you of course!" Fresh said. Error was a little shock at this. "Well, if you'd like.. You could live with m-me!" Error said, happily and excitedly.

"I wish I could, but I like going to new universes, it's so fun! You should try it!" Error just looked at him and then back at the stars. "Maybe I will... Hey, Fresh?" Fresh looked at Error. "Yeah?" Error then turned to Fresh, as he leaned in closely to the smaller skeleton, there faces inches away from each other.

"C-Can I k-kiss you?" Fresh was a little shock from this, but then leaned in and then they kissed. They both backed away, as fast as they could, a dark blush both covering their faces. "D-Don't y-you ever t-tell anyone, o-o-okay?!" Error stuttered, as Fresh nodded.

"I.. I have to go, let's meet here tomorrow, okay?" Error said, as Fresh nodded. "O-Okay!" Fresh stuttered, still blushing from what just happened. "Y-You promise you'll come?" Fresh said, not wanting to lose hope. "Yes! You're my only Friend and I really want to play with you more! Maybe tomorrow, we can go to a new universe!" Error said excitedly.

Fresh just shyly nods. "Bye Fresh!" Error waved to Fresh goodbye, as Fresh waves back. "B-Bye Error!" Error looked back at Fresh one more time and went through the portal, going to the place he called, 'Home's.

As Error arrived on the Anti-Void, he plopped down on the couch, still blushing from the kiss. 'Will he even remember me when we're older? Will I remember? And with that thought, he fell asleep.

{Hey Guys! As you all know, School has been rough on me lately and I understand you guys want the chapter nine in my other book, I'm still working on it. And if the chapters are taking long, it's because of school.. So yeah, depression is my life and I'm sticking with it! ^^}

1025 words.

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