Chapter 7: Happy Ending...

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Fresh slowly woke up and yawned. He blushed a dark purple, realizing he was snuggled up onto Error's chest. He tried to get up, but couldn't cause the taller only tightened his hold on Fresh, making him blush a bit more.

"Glitchy!!.." Fresh whined, as he tried getting up. He then heard a glitchy chuckle. He looked up.

"Oh? And where are you going?~" Error asked playfully, as a hint of lust dripped from his voice. Fresh blushed a little, attempting to look away.
"The, um, b-bathroom..?" Fresh stuttered, trying not to wince from the slight pain between his legs and from the uncomfortableness in his stomach (Frick logic). Error noticed Fresh wince a little and got a little concerned.

"Fresh, what's wrong?" Error asked worriedly, as he sat Fresh up gently, so Fresh is sitting on his lap. Fresh then placed a hand on his head, groaning a bit.

"I-I dunno.. I f-feel-" Fresh then suddenly placed a hand on his mouth, trying to stop himself from puking. Error then widened his eyesockets, understanding the situation and quickly but gently picked Fresh up, bridal style, and then rushed to the bathroom.

Error sat Fresh infront of the toilet. And as if on cue, Fresh vomited in the toilet, grasping the sides tightly. Error rubbed Fresh's back gently and whispered sweet things in his non-existent ear.

"Sshh, it's alright, Freshy. You're gonna be fine.. Just let it all out.." Error whispered to Fresh, while rubbing his back gently.

After a few minutes, Fresh had stopped vomiting and was now breathing heavily, purple tears dripping down his cheeks. Error gently wiped his tears and hugged Fresh. Fresh hugs back weakly.

"Sshh, it's alright, you're alright.. Are you feeling better now?" Error asked softly, gently rubbing Fresh's back gently. Fresh nodded a little and let go of Error, as he looked down at his stomach.

Fresh gasped at what he saw. Since Fresh was shirtless, Error looked down aswell and gasped. Fresh's purple ecto-stomach was showing a upside down light pink Soul, floating inside. Fresh looked up at Error, with teary eyes. Error smiled widely, as tears slipped from his eyesocket.

"Fresh, you're p-pregnant!!" Error exclaimed, as he couldn't hold back his tears of joy. Fresh giggled and cupped Error's cheeks and kissed him on the teeth/lips (I don't care anymore!). Error kissed back. Fresh then lets go of Error, resting his forehead with Error's and looks at him.

"You're gonna be a Great Father, Glitchy.." Fresh said gently, smiling softly at Error. Error smiled back and hugged Fresh.

"And you're gonna be a Great Mom, Freshy.." Error teased a little, as he kissed Fresh's neck. Fresh blushed a little and giggled. "Come on, let's get out of this bathroom." Fresh said, as he tried getting up.

But was then suddenly, picked up by Error, bridal style. Fresh blushed madly. "Glitchy, w-what are you doing?" Fresh asked, shyly. Error smirked a little, thinking his Little Parasite was so Cute when he's shy.

"Well, since our 'fun' last night, 'tired' your legs out.. I'll be carrying you for the next few days.." Error said, blushing a little, when he emphasized the word 'fun' and 'tired'. Fresh blushed a little and smiled shyly. "O-Okay then.." Fresh stuttered out.

Error then slowly walked back to the living room, with Fresh in his arms.

A few moments of silence went by, when suddenly, Fresh suddenly kissed Error on the teeth/lip (I give up) and then pulled back slowly, a small strand of saliva connected to them. Both of them blushed madly. Fresh smiled softly at Error, as Error looked at him with wide eyes.

"I Love You so much, Glitchy.." Fresh said gently. Error smiled even more, as a tear formed at the corner of his eyesocket. He kissed Fresh back with more passion, as Fresh kissed back and slowly wraps his arms on his New Husband's neck.

A few moments later, they both pulled away, a small strand of saliva connected to them. Error kissed the smaller's forehead and looked at him lovingly.

"You don't know how long, I've waited to hear those from you... I Love You too, Freshy.." Error said, as a tear escaped his eyesocket. Fresh smiled sadly at him and wiped away his tear, as he cuddled Error's chest lovingly.

"Hey, Fresh?.." Fresh turns his gaze away from the stars to look at Error. "Yeah?" Error then moves closer to the smaller skeleton, their faces only inches away. "C-Can I k-kiss you?.."

{And there ya have it, Folks! The End of the story! Well, I really hope ya'll had Fun reading this! Again, all the credits goes to Pixilneko!}

751 words.

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