Prolouge: Flashback

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A pain was felt from his heart. Like stabbing it a million times. His lover is now with someone, and not him. Remembering what happened last year is still hunting him and had given him nightmares ever since.

But because he loves him, he chose to stay away and live secretly. Trying to recall what happened 1 year ago, makes him tear up.

~1 year ago~

He ruffled his brown hair as he sigh in frustration. Pacing back and forth, he couldn't think properly. Has something happened? Why isn't he here yet? He thought to himself, taking his phone out of his long black striped white coat. He dialed the other person's number, wanting to know the reason why he hasn't arrived yet.

They were supposed to have a dinner to celebrate the young man's graduation but he haven't arrived yet. Still, frustration and worry keeps bugging him. The young man then suddenly wanted to take some fresh air. It's already 10:47, why isn't he answering? He started to worry again.

5 minutes passed still not sure where the other man is, he got worried so he decided to leave the restaurant and headed to his lover's house. Starting his car's engine, he lowered down his window and the coldness of the air was felt at his face.

As the road gets narrow, red and blue lights begun flashing ahead from him. What was that? He thought to himself. He contiued driving while pulling back up the window. As he released the button he looked back at the road where alongside Hongbin's house.

The red and blue lights flashing awhile ago were police cars, and somehow they were infront of his boyfriend's house. He then suddenly got a nervous feeling arousing inside him. Something happened I'm sure. Snapping out of his thoughts, the sudden urge of running into his boyfriend's house came up to him.

Reaching the front yard police tapes surronded the area. "What happened?!" As Sanghyuk questioned the officer. "A man was stabbed multiple times inside. He was rushed to the hospital a couple of minutes ago." The officer informed. Because of the news, Sanghyuk was left in both shock and horror.

The young man was about to ask which hospital he was sent to when a mysterious number called him. Not hesitating or thinking twice he suddenly picked up the call.

"Yes who's this?" The sound of his voice full of worried. Hoping it was the hospital his boyfriend was sent to. "This is Korean State Hospital are you somehow related to Hongbin? If yes, he was send here a couple of minutes ago he's in the emergency room right now. Please hurry up he needs you." Sanghyuk closed his phone, pressed his car keys went inside and shut the door beside him.

I'm such a fool! I should have atleast fetch him at his home! I'm so stupid! He raged as he blame his self for what happened to his boyfriend. Smacking the steering wheel which result in honking sounds, he stopped the car and ran his hands on his hair. Grabbing and ruffling it, he burst.

Realizing the situation, he knocked back from reality and started driving till he reached the hospital. Parked his car infront of the entrance threw the keys to the guard, "Please park it for me I really have to go to the emergency room right now. Please I beg you." The guard sighed and smiled at the young man then proceed to his car.

I don't care wether my car got stolen or not. I can always buy a new one, but I can never buy Hongbin's life ever again. He thought to himself again, rushing to the emergency ward, running made him exhausted. Stopping infront of the door, doctors were waiting for him, fixing his self as he panted.

"Are you somehow related to Mr. Lee Hong Bin?" The male doctor asked. Facing the doctor, he fixed his hair before answering. "Yes. I'm his boyfriend to be exact." Not caring what the others would think he went inside the E.R expecting Hongbin to be there.  But no sign of him inside, the bed was empty.

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