Chapter IV: Reunion (?)

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Hakyeon ran his fingers on the young man who was asleep on his bed. "Taek. I'm worried." He stated. His lover came closer his side and hugged him.

"You know his condition." Hakyeon softly said. "Who knows how much he suffered there. Sungjae's the only person he is so close with. But you know that guy has work and a girlfriend as well right? How did he take care of himself? What if he starv-" He was cut off.

"I know you worry so much for this boy, but he's back now. This time we will be the one's to take care of him." Taekwoon calmed him down. This time Hakyeon was tearing up. He couldn't help but worry, his lover locked him in a tight hug and drew tiny circles with his fingers on his back.

Moments later, someone knocked in the door. Taekwoon gently got up from bed leaving the two as they lay asleep.

He reached out for the knob and as the door swung open, reveals the two other couple. "Hey." Was all Wonshik could say. Jaewhan, on the other hand, was busy eyeing the room in search for Hyuk. "He's upstairs sleeping with Hakyeon." Taekwoon said.

The newly comers nodded their head. Taekwoon and Wonshik headed towards the kitchen, leaving Jaehwan. He made his way upstairs where he could finally see the maknae.

He was standing infront of the door, he gripped the know gently and silently opened the door. Jaehwan walked towards Hakyeon and woke him up.

The oldest yawned and blinked a couple of times, soon his senses came back and realized Ken was there. He stood up and dragged Jaewhan out of the room and transferred to the other one across it.


"Hongbin called me." Jaewhan said. This didn't faze Hakyeon. "I think he saw Hyuk but doesn't know it." Hakyeon suddenly gripped Jaehwan's hands.

"When did this happen?"

"Two and a half hours ago I think?"

"Tell me more." Hakyeon said. The other nodded yes.

"I was busy preparing dinner when Wonshik told me Hongbin's calling. I told him to answer it for me since I was cooking. He exited the kitchen and went somewhere else as I didn't hear talks anymore. Minutes later, he came back." He paused.

Jaewhan felt like crying suddenly. Hakyeon came and hugged him.

"He said that Hongbin saw someone familiar on the other side of the street from where he was. It looked like that person was feeling sick and all, he looks gloomy he added. Then he saw him stumbling around, probably dizzy. He almost fainted, but forced himself not to. He told Gongchan about it but he seemed a little shook. Instead he told Hongbin that they need to head back already as it was about to rain. Gongchan probably knew that the person Hongbin was pertaining was Hyuk. The original lover. I guess he got scared and chickened out cause he doesn't want the two to meet. Everything's so unfair for Hyuk. Our little precious maknae." The story ended leaving the two choked up in tears.

"I can't believe Hyuk suffered from so much pain and sadness." Jaewhan mumbled still crying.

But that all stopped when they heard someone opened the door. "Was that true?" There Sanghyuk was standing. In the verge of crying.


Hongbin's POV

"But Gongchan don't you think that the man from awhile ago was a little bit familiar? I felt like I knew him from before. I just can't point it out." Gongchan suddenly hugged me, I laid my chin down on the top of his head.

"I love you Hongie yah." He suddenly blurted out.

"Love you too." I replied.

Sometimes I feel like, something's missing. I can't tell cheesy lines to Gonghchan with the letter I in the front of them. Just simple, miss you and love you.

FadedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora