Super University ((MAJOR Wip)) Prologue

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Kawaii~Chan's pov


 Hello there my name is Nana Ashida and I've just been given The Red Kawaii Heart, I couldn't be more excited for this! I Nana Ashida have been chosen to be the next KAWAII~CHAN! If you don't know who Kawaii~Chan is she is the AMAZING leader of a team of elite magical girls known as the Super Kawaii Nyan Nyan Warriors!!!! or the SKNNW for short! Kawaii~Chan alongside Nekoette, Michi, June & last but not least Boop a magical cat from another dimension,  fight an evil monstrosity known as Z!
   Z is a dark being hellbent on taking over the world so that he, and his henchmen can cause mayhem and do as they please! He must be stopped at any cost. but he will never win. No matter how many times he rises Kawaii~Chan will ALWAYS defeat him. Its been like this for thousands of years.  

 and now I yes I NANA ASHIDA am going to be the NEXT KAWAII~CHAN

I'm pretty excited as you can tell-BUT WHO WOULDN'T BE!  Kawaii~Chan has always been  strong and fearless while also being absolutely adorable! She's always saving the day, making sure evil pays, & she never gives up when the going gets tough! SHE KICKS ASS WITH A SMILE AND MAKES SURE THAT ALL OF OUR LIVES ARE SWEET!  She's been my hero ever since I was little!!!  I've always looked up to her. It's been months since the heart chosen me and I still can't get over it! I can't wait to get on my way towards my new job-is what I'd say if there wasn't one teensy weensy problem, I....... don't have a hero license and without one I cannot fight crime-legally.... and Kawaii~Chan never breaks the law! She's the savior of humanity after all! Soo...After a few harsh training sessions with Nekoette I think I'm finally ready to head off to Super Academy! 

Super Academy is a VERY prestigious University for both superhero's and supervillains alike (pretty dumb to include super villains if you ask me). 
    all the greatest hero's and the worst villains come from this University! it has classes in everything!!! From taking care of the wounded to how to get away with murder (I hopefully won't need that last class..ehehehehe ^_^').

 I wonder if I'll find any cute edgelords with a nice ass in there . Oooooo what if I finally find the one there! A dark mysterious knight that wears a mask over his face that has an edgy past with a villain he has sworn to vanquish!  THAT'D BE Soooo coool!!!!! 

As I begin to head out,  Juniper (The male holder of the Yellow Kawaii~Heart, the one that transforms its holder into June))Stops me and says "Hey Nana before you go Aldy((The holder of the Blue Kawaii~Heart the one that transforms its holder into Nekoette~Tan)) has something she wanted to give you!" Aldelaide ? I thought she hated me for taking Persephone ((The previous holder of the Red Kawaii Heart))'s place. I open the box. inside of it's a picture of Persephone with a few pink flowers next to it and....Persephone's wand? She's entrusting me with her most prized possession?!?! Really!?! I gasp in surprise and look at Juniper 

"Is Aldelaide really giving me this? I thought...I thought she hated me" 

June just giggles "Nah she's just a bit rough around the edges. She's always like this to new members cause she gets so attached to us ya know? She loves her team, and She'll come to love you to. Also now since Persephone's gone she's the eldest at 30 ((besides boop but she's a cat from another dimension)) so she probably feels alot more responsibility then before ya know? she feels like you gotta be harder on your juniors so they don't end up like Percy did" 

I nod "Tell her I said thank you juniper!" I say as I exit the magical temple's door ((The Magical Temple is the home of us SKNNW members!)) I begin my new chapter TODAY !!!

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