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Author's note:
In this story Adrien and Marinette are 16 and 17 
Also yes I know I'm writing a fan fiction and I don't ever do that. I don't care I love this show.

Adrien's POV:
Me and Marinette have grown extremely close over the past couple years, and she's honestly so cool. I'm mad I never noticed it before. The way she smiles when I wave at her, and how she listens to me when I need her. She's not as weird around me anymore, and we have tons of long conversations.
I woke up this morning with a smile on my face, I had a dream about ladybug, where we were saving Paris together, and at the end she confessed her feelings, and we kissed on the Eiffel Tower.
The way her lips felt on mine was like a whole new world, her eyes sparkling in the moonlight, and her hand gripping my hair. I woke up smiling, yet sad the dream had ended. I never wanted that moment to end.
I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to shower. After my shower I got dressed, grabbed an apple, and ran outside so my body guard could drive me to school.
When we arrived I threw my apple away in the trash, and took my seat in class. I looked behind me, to see Marinette was late, again. A few minutes after class started, Marinette rushed through the door, tripped on her own feet, and landed on the ground. "I-I-Um sorry! I studied late and overslept." She quickly rushed to her seat, and hid her red face from the other classmates.
I turned back to the teacher, and waited for her to continue the lesson. Once class ended, I waited for Marinette to get her stuff, so I could talk to her. "Hey Marinette." She smiled, "Hey Adrien." I smiled, "want to go to the movies after school? I'm free today." She blushed a light pink, which confused me a bit. "Uh sure. Yeah I'll text my parents right now to let them know. Well we should get to our next class now." I grabbed her hand, "let's walk together!" I was smiling widely, and staring into her deep blue eyes, watching as her delicate lashes blinked against her light skin.
"Um, okay!"
Marinette's POV:
Adrien had taken my hand, which he does sometimes since we're friends, but it's still pretty rare. I can't help but blush every time he does that, and I get lost in his gaze.
"What movie should we watch?" I asked him while we walked to class, "Eh I don't know. Should it be like a horror movie or something?" I gripped his hand, "n-no! Horror movies scare me." He laughed a bit, "that's the point! But don't worry I'll be there." I smiled at him, and let go some of the grip on his hand.
Adrien's POV:
Was it bad that I wanted her to get scared? So that she would bury her face into my chest, possibly wrap her arms around me? I shooed the thought away, and continued to talk to Marinette. "Yeah let's watch a horror movie. You won't ever get over the fear if you don't face it right?" She sighed, "I guess you're right. Okay yeah." I smiled, "great! I'll have my body guard drop us off after school." Just as I said that, we walked into class, and waited for it to start.
After School
"Are you ready to go?" I asked Marinette, as she was rifling around in her locker. "Yeah I am. Let's go." I smiled, and grabbed her hand for the second time today. I guess it's just a comforting feeling. We walked out to the car, and sat in the back seats. "You excited?" I asked her. She smiled, "Yeah I guess, I'm kinda nervous too." I looked into her eyes, with the most reassuring face I could make. "It'll be okay." And with those words, she was less tense, and formed a more genuine smile.
We arrived at the movie theater, got our tickets, popcorn, some candy, and walked to the room showing our movie. "We got good seats." Marinette said in a half whisper, trying to be polite of the other people in the theatre. I held Marinette's hand tighter as the movie started, to comfort her. But part of me enjoyed the feeling of her hand in mine.
The movie started out the way a typical horror movie would, and then the scary parts started to come in. The first jump scare made Marinette grip my hand tighter, and she closed her eyes. I looked over at her, and a few minutes later another scene came, and she hid her face in my shoulder. I could feel my cheeks burn up, and I couldn't stop smiling.
"You okay?" I whispered to her. She looked up at me, with red cheeks, "I-I'm fine... I just didn't expect it to be that bad." I looked at her eyes, and then her forehead. It took so much of me to resist kissing her forehead, but I did. I just continued to hold her hand, and watch the movie.
There's no way you like her. You are in love with ladybug! I thought to myself, but as I was thinking that, Marinette hid her face in my arm again, and my thoughts only flooded with the thought of her.

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