Same Struggle

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After the movie, me and Marinette went outside to wait for my bodyguard to pick us up. "Did you like the movie?" I asked Marinette while taking a sip of our large coke we were sharing. She smiled, "it wasn't that bad, but the jump scares were way too scary for me. But it's good, you were there." I blushed, "yep. I was." I said awkwardly, as I stared into her gorgeous eyes, and watched as her lips curved into a smile. My thoughts were flooded with, she's so cute! She's so cute! I had realized I was in love with her while we were in the movies, and I didn't know what to do with myself.
"Want to get ice cream too?" I asked her without even thinking, I just wanted to spend more time with her. She agreed, and my bodyguard drove a different route to stop for ice cream. We got out of the car, walked into the shop, and ordered ice cream. Just as we got our ice cream though, we heard a loud crash, and screaming coming from outside. I looked towards the window, and saw a super villain turning people into stone. "I have to go." I said quickly, and Marinette looked at me, "uh yeah so do I." We quickly ran out of the shop in opposite directions, and I hid behind the building to transform. "Plagg claws-" but I was interrupted. "Adrien! Are you okay?" Ladybug asked me. I turned red, "y-yeah." She picked me up, and started running away from the destruction. "Wait! What about my friend Marinette? She was over here. Is she gonna be okay?" Ladybug looked around, "um, I already got her to safety! She's okay. But you should really go home." Ladybug brought me to my house, and when she left I was able to transform. "Okay let's do this for real this time. Plagg claws out!"
I flew towards the chaos as Cat Noir, so I could help Ladybug battle.
"What's the issue here? You can't just go around turning everyone you see into a bunch of statues." The akumatized victim angrily looked at Cat Noir, "yes I can! I have to get revenge." Ladybug swung her yo-yo, "revenge for what?" He laughed, "everyone in Paris. They all look up to you guys. But I'm the real one with true power, and now I can prove it!" He then tried to attack Ladybug, but I shoved her out of the way before he could turn her into stone. "You okay m'lady?"
She pulled away from me, "yes, thanks kitty." The fight continued for awhile, and we couldn't figure out how to defeat him. Ladybug ran behind me, and then shouted, "lucky charm!" The item fell from the sky and landed in her hands. "A stick of butter?" We had already established the bracelet on his arm which had the stone in it, was too tight into his suit to take off with my hands, so I figured the butter was to take it off. While I distracted him, She quickly put the butter on his bracelet and slipped it off. She then grabbed the ring on his finger, assuming it had the akuma and broke it. "No more evil doing for you little akuma. Time to de-evilise!" Ladybug captured the akuma in my yo-yo, and purified it. "Pound it!" Ladybug and I said as we fist bumped.
"I gotta bug out before I turn back!" Ladybug said about to leave, but I grabbed her arm. "Wait Ladybug... can I talk to you?" She looked around, "let me feed my kwami. Wait here and I'll be right back I promise." Ladybug jumped away, and I waited for her to come back.
Marinette's POV:
"Why did you say you'd come back?" Tikki asked, "you normally just say no." I sighed, "the look in his eyes. I can't ignore that. He really needs someone. Now eat up." Tikki ate some cookies, and then I transformed.
Adrien's POV:
I waited for a couple minutes, and then saw Ladybug coming towards me. "I was afraid you might not come back m'lady." She smiled, "why would I lie to you kitty?" I frowned, "okay, I need to talk to you." Ladybug sat next to me, and waited for me to talk. "So, you know I'm in love with you." She nodded her head, "well, I've recently realized that I'm in love with one of my best friends. I know her in my civilian form. And I don't know what to do. How am I supposed to choose between two people I love so much?" Ladybug blushed a bit, "I get what you mean." I turned over, "how? Is there someone you love?" She frowned, "well, one of my close friends in my civilian form, I've been in love with him for years. And im starting to like someone else. But I don't know how to even bring it up. And I don't want to choose between them." I smiled, "I guess we're in the same boat then?" She smirked, "I guess we are."
We sat there and talked for a bit longer, which felt really nice. "Okay well I should go home. My parents will be worried." Ladybug said as she stood up. "Okay, see you soon m'lady." She smiled, "see you later kitty."

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