I Love You

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I backed away from her, my mouth dangling open. Without a second thought, I leaned in, kissing her without even wondering about the consequence. She played with my hair, while I wrapped my arms around her tightly, and after our kiss, I took a bite of ice cream. "That was um, that was unexpected." I said, trying to hide my red face. Marinette giggled, "you didn't even hesitate." Her blushing face was so cute, and I didn't regret that kiss for a second. I awkwardly looked around the shop, hoping no one saw the kiss. "You're a good kisser." Marinette mumbled under her breath. I looked up from my ice cream, "hmm? What did you say? Please say that again I could hear you." Marinette smiled "you're a good kisser." I smiled, "that's what I thought you said."
Marinette's POV:
Cat Noir just kissed me. I kissed Cat Noir. I kissed my partner, in my civilian form. And he liked it, and we like each other?! This is going really fast.
Adrien's POV:
"Mari you okay?" She took a second, and then jumped up, "uh, erm, yeah I'm fine." She didn't look fine. "What's bothering you purrincess?" Her face turned a deep shade of red. "This is just so sudden. It's not that I don't enjoy it, it's just out of the blue you know? And I don't want to betray my feelings towards my friend either." I titled my head, "does he like you back?" She frowned, "I doubt it. He's so perfect, I don't deserve him." I crossed my arms, "more like he doesn't deserve you." Marinette moved some of her hair behind her ear, "lies." She then looked up to me, "what about you? What's gonna happen between you and ladybug? Aren't you betraying her?" I sighed, "Ive been trying to get ladybugs attention for like 2 years. I should honestly just give up." She got angry, "maybe she feels the same! But she just, she just can't." I looked at her puzzled, "what do you mean?" She crossed her arms, "maybe she's not sure how she feels, or she is but she's scared about what will happen, or she's scared about revealing her identity, and she doesn't know what will happen?" I grabbed her hand, "Marinette are you okay?" She pulled away from my grip, "I-I'm fine. I have to go." She got up from the table, and ran out of the shop. I quickly chased after her, and it had started raining, so she was already soaking wet in the rain, and didn't have a ride home. "Marinette! Please wait!" Tears started to roll down her face, "I can't. I just can't!" I was so confused in that moment, but I continued to push her, "please! It's storming at least let me take you home." She wiped her tears, and nodded her head, so I went over and picked her up. I quickly brought her back to her house, and set her on her balcony. "Marinette, I'm sorry if I said something I shouldn't have, I just don't want to see you hurt." She hugged me, "Cat, I cant explain everything right now, but," she wiped her tears, and looked into my eyes, "I love you." My heart skipped a beat, and I backed up. "I-i. I l-love you too." She hugged me again, and then went inside her room.
What am I supposed to do now?

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