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Adrien's POV:
The next morning I woke up, happily knowing I wasn't dealing with my struggles alone. Someone I'm very close to understands. I got up for school, got ready, and headed out to the car. I want to hang out with Marinette today. But I want her to fall in love with Cat Noir and Adrien... I had an idea.
"Father?" I said after he picked up the phone.
"Can I hang out with Marinette again today?"
"The designer girl? I suppose. Be home before 10pm." I smiled, "Okay." And then the car pulled up to my school. I ran inside, and scanned the room for Marinette. "Marinette!" I said when I saw her. "Yeah?" I leaned against the locker and smiled, "Want to hang out tomorrow?" She smiled, "sure!" And then I ran back over to my locker. "What kind of idea do you have?" Plagg asked me. "I'm gonna hang out with her today as Cat Noir, so she will get to know him more, and maybe she will fall in love with Adrien and Cat." Plagg groaned, "all this love stuff is making me sick." I rolled my eyes and walked to class.
Class was boring as usual, and once school ended, I found a place to transform, and quickly went to find Marinette. "Marinette!" I said as I jumped in front of her. "Whoah uh, Cat Noir? What are you doing?" I smiled, and held out my hand, "wanna hang out? I'm bored." She looked at my hand, back up at me, and smiled, "sure. I'm not busy." I grabbed her hand, and took her to the ice cream place I wasn't able to stay at with her yesterday. "I heard they have purrfect ice cream here." She giggled, "they do." We walked inside, sat down, and ordered some ice cream. "So, we don't really hang out, I mean I'm a superhero it's not like I hang out with non superheroes when I'm like this." She smirked, "so why are you?" I blushed a bit, "that reason is a secret. Anyway, the only person who hangs out with me in my superhero form is ladybug. And she's not here. I can't call her or anything unless we're in this form too, because we don't have each other's numbers or anything." Marinette widened her eyes, "what? You guys don't share that stuff?" The waitress came by, and handed us our ice cream, "nope. I don't even know her real name. I want to know, but I respect her wishes to keep that hidden." She took a bite of her ice cream, "would if she also wants to show you? But she's scared of what you'll think?" I bit my lip in concentration, "but that doesn't make any sense." She gave me a confused look, "yes it does. Would if she doesn't think she's good enough for you?" I laughed, "she's perfect in every way, why in the world would I not like her civilian form?" Marinette blushed, which confused me. And then she leaned into my ear, "I have a secret." I looked at her curiously, "and the secret is?" She smiled, "I like two boys, and I don't know how to choose between them." I laughed, "oh I'm in that situation with two girls. I can't help you there." She groaned, "well I think maybe I should tell you who one of them is." I raised an eyebrow, "and who might that be?" She placed her hand over mine, and leaned into my ear, "You."

Falling For You AgainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora