Ch 1. Everybody's talking about it

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Ponyboy POV

I was the first person to hear anything, but everyone's talking about it. Some of them don't care if they're around or not. Like Two-bit, who'll talk about Johnny and Dally right in front of them. Steve does too sometimes.
At least I can tell that it makes Johnny uncomfortable. Maybe I don't use my head for most things, I can see the look on his face when somebody says something about him and Dally's dating.
I don't think it's just that they're dating that's bothering him. At least I hope it's not. But whenever a guy like Two-bit brings them up, it's just to joke with Dallas about when they should be putting money on Johnny's virginity, or something of the like. Dally likes the attention, and he seems proud to be so sexualized. But Johnny's far from the type of guy to like a bunch of his friends joshing him about when he was gonna put out.
It's usually at times like that that I'll ask him to go to the park or the lot with just me.
Well, one way or another, everyone knows about Dally and Johnny. Even people that didn't know either of them knew they were going out. Easy enough to figure why: they were always kissing.

Johnny POV

We haven't been dating more than a week now, I think a little less. They were already making jokes about what we probably do when we're alone. I really wish Dal wouldn't encourage them.
I can't really say when we officially became "boyfriends". I don't even know if it official, but he kisses me a lot, and he said he loved me a couple nights ago.

Time skip to 4 days prior
( is it called a "skip" if it's for the past?? Idk )

We were hanging around with Ponyboy, but he had to go home earlier than usual to study. The sun was barely down, so Dallas knew I wasn't going home right then. He offered to just spend time with me until whenever I was ready to go home. We spent hours together, just the two of us, walking around and talking a little. Neither of us are such great talkers really.
It wasn't until a while after midnight that we parted. We were in the lot, the same place most of my nights end, but they usually didn't end with Dallas Winston. He told me he had a real good time hanging around with me, and if I ever had time to just throw away that I should give him a call. He kept scratching the back of his neck and looking away. I didn't really believe it at the time, but I think he was nervous. He was acting weird, so I didn't say anything. Then he looked at me in the silence for a little bit, he was biting his lip. Then he kissed me.
I froze up. What the hell was I supposed to do? I'd never been kissed before, and even if I had, this is a buddy of mine-Dallas Winston no less!
All I could think was: this is it. This is kissing. My first kiss. But it didn't feel anything like what you heard in movies or from the guys. I figured that was probably because it was Dal. I realized this different, new, exciting experience was probably only going to happen once, so I finally did something about it. A second or two into this long, deep kiss I tried kissing him back. I held a one of my hands on the back of his head and pulled him closer, deeper into this kiss.
Some part of me was remembering what I probably should have been thinking the whole time: what the hell am I doing? What if one of the guys were around? Or socs? Or what if he realized he didn't know what he was doing either and decided it was all a mistake and he should just leave forever and never talk to me agai- I pulled away. My breathing was heavy, but he seemed calmer than before. He probably did this with girls all the time, of course he was calm.
We didn't talk for a few seconds, my heavy breathing took the place of conversation. Then I tried to ask him something, though I wasn't sure what I was gonna say once I started, I just knew I'd have to say something before he just left.
But he cut me off, kind of like he knew I was only talking because I felt like I had to.
"Sorry," he said, looking away again. It was the least genuine apology I ever heard, which is really sayin something, but I don't figure he felt like he had anything to be sorry for. He was just saying it because he felt like he had to too.
A smirk grew on his face, and he cleared his throat, "I've... Wanted to do that for a while. Guess it seemed like the right time, eh Johnnycake?"
Is there really a "right time" for Dally to kiss you? I don't think so, so I didn't say anything. He still chuckled lightly and gave a too-big-to-be-convincing smile while he walked away.

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