Ch 9. No shame

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Johnny POV

Ponyboy looks like he didn't get a second of sleep. It's probably my fault. I feel so dumb for keeping him from precious sleep, but I have to smile whenever I see those marks on his neck. He isn't even hiding them with a collar or anything, just his same old black shirt with the sleeves cut off. No shame. I can't do that. I flipped my collar up, didn't grease my hair so it doesn't seem short and unable to cover anything, and I held up my shoulders for so long I've got cramps in my shoulder-blades. I'm not looking for a million questions.
Dallas was waiting for us outside the school. As soon as I walked up to him he pulled me aside, away from Pony and Two. I always feel a dumb mix of honored and scared when he does that.
"Look, Johnny, man," he said, barely above a whisper, "I don't know what I was doin' yesterday, but I'm sorry. You're obviously mad, and I get that, even though I haven't seen you mad in like, ever."
"What're you gettin' at, Dal?"
"I said I was sorry- I-I am sorry! Man, just... I got drunk, ya know- and if I said anything, I didn' mean it; and if I did anything stupid, then I'm sorry."
Why is he talking so fast. He only ever seems panicked around me.
All his other problems he can just solve by beating them up and yelling, but he doesn't hurt me. Maybe that's just a coincidence, but maybe he only panics about me because he doesn't know to rationally solve a boyfriend-type problem. Like a dumb little kid, that I admire no matter what he does because I'm just a dumb kid too.
"Don't worry about it," I said, and I really wish he'd listen.
I heard Two-but holler from behind us about Pony's hickeys.
"Pony's got a girl?" Dally asked with a grin, patting my shoulder and walking past me back to them.

Ponyboy POV

Sodapop must have asked me a thousand times about my hickeys this morning, and that's just in the minute he was awake before I ran out the door. I'm not about to let Darry see them, that's for sure.
As for the people at school, I don't really give a damn. Teachers giving me nasty looks don't bother me now more than it ever has. And no kid's gonna ask about it, except the guys I hang around with.
"Where's ya get those, Pony? Wow!"
"Just a friend."
Easy as that, and it's not even lying.
But I walled out that gate with a hand covering my neck because Dallas Winston is standing there with Johnny and God knows Two-bit ain't quiet. Unfortunately for me, greasers can't just stand around looking that awkward for so long.
"Gosh, Ponyboy, if I didn' know any better I'd think you caught Johnny's hickey virus," Two laughed.
That's such a weird way to put it. Maybe he's just kidding around.
"Na I'm just-"
He tore my hand from my neck, revealing the marks that Johnny left.
"Well ain't that cute? Now you and Johnnykid are matching!"
I can see Johnny cringing out the corner of my eye.
"Woah! Startin' early, wouldn't ya say?" Dally smirked.
"What, kissin'? You probably was giving hickeys on the playground in preschool, Dal."
"Whatever. Who's the special someone anyhow?" he leaned over me and peered at my neck.
"Yeah Pony, what's her name?" Johnny asked.
If anybody was paying any attention to Johnny right now they'd probably pick it up right away. Shaking, blushing like crazy, sweating. Even avoiding eye contact with me, aside from asking what her name is, when he gave me a very distinct look of helplessness and pleading. Pleading again.
"Ya'll won't get a word outta me, so ya best quit trying," I snapped as I pulled out a cigarette.
We walked home together after that, Johnny and Dallas keeping pace a few yards behind, basking in each other's company. He's not good for Johnny, but Dal always has an unmistakable happiness about him only when he's around. I feel kinda bad for him.
"Do we know 'er?" Two asked me suddenly in a hushed voice.
I shook my head.
"What's she look like?"
"I ain't gonna say anything, Two."
"How tall is she?"
"I don't know."
"Does his name end in an ē sound?"
"If I ain't gonna say his name why would I tell you the end of his name, Two-bit?!"
His eyes widened in mock surprise and I realized what I did.
"Oh, really?... His...?"
Ah hell. Two-bit outsmarted me. At least it can't get any worse than that, right?
Two laughed and hit my arm playfully. "I knew if ya had a girl you woulda talked her up till my ears fell off. Who was it, huh Pony?"
A second chance! No dumb stuff this time.
"Nobody. I ain't telling you."
"...Somebody at this school?"
"...Somebody I know?"
"I don't know."
"...Somebody in the gang?"
"I'm not gay, Two! Now cut it out!"

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