Ch 7. Don't do it

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Ponyboy POV

I sighed and rolled my eyes when I saw Dal stuffing his tongue in Johnny's mouth. I stood and walked back inside the little building, sitting down text to Soda.
"Gettin' tired of watching Dally and Johnnycake?" Soda asked.
I shrugged, sipping my Pepsi. I feel like I know what he's gonna ask, and I don't want to hear it, so I talked instead.
"You think I got a chance with Cherry, the red-headed soc gal, Sodapop?"
His head snapped up to look at me, then he quickly looked down again.
"She's a lot older than you, ain't she?"
I hesitated, "Dal's older than Johnny too."
"Not by much. Months, not years."
"It wouldn't matter if she was 23 and I was 20, would it?" I asked.
He shook his head.
"Why's it matter now then?" I snapped.
He sighed, "You're 14, Ponyboy, you shouldn't even be thinkin' about girls yet."
"Hey! I liked girls even before now, that's unfair!"
"I know..." he said quietly, then turned around with a smile, "Darry got his first girlfriend when he was 12! Boy he was crazy about her... Don't follow in his footsteps, Pony. Besides, any 17 year-old willing to date a kid your age ain't someone you wanna be hangin' around with."
I sighed and went back outside. Two-bit's trying to annoy Steve while he worked on a car and it's totally working. Johnny and Dally left.
I sat down and tried to zone out.
"This is a wrench, eh?"
"No! That's a hammer, stupid!" WHACK!
"Hey! I ain't a mechanic, so sue me!"
"You ain't got a IQ higher than 0.5, that's what you ain't!"
I wondered about if I could invent a translator for smart people to understand Steve and Two-bit. Then maybe cops wouldn't get so frustrated when they talk.
"Ponyboy!" I heard Johnny scream. I looked up suddenly.
Steve and Two glanced at me, but just went back to fighting.
I stood and darted around, trying to find where it came from. I checked the alley behind the DX and there they were.
Johnny with his back pinned against the dirty wall. His jeans on the ground and his boxers riding low on his waist. Dally's hand plastered over his mouth. Johnny's pleading eyes looked in my direction, and for a second I just stood in a stunned silence.
This isn't real. I'm not seeing this.
I jumped Dallas's back before he could comprehend that I'm here. I tackled him, his already messed up balance forcing him to the ground. He growled "Stupid brat" at me as he ran a hand through his hair and tried to get to his feet.
I looked back over at Johnny. On the ground, wincing. Dally dropped him when he went down, a drop about 3.5 feet right to his ass on hard asphalt.
He really is tough, I thought, drop like that's gotta hurt, especially wearing nothing but boxer shorts.
"Come on, Johnny!" I said between curses at Dallas and from shock. I grabbed his wrist roughly, pulling him off the ground, and we booked it. I'm on track and I don't think I've ever run this fast. My hand with a death grip around Johnny's wrist and not giving a single thought to telling Sodapop or about Darry.
We raced all the way to the park before I heard him coughing and breathing real heavy, so we stopped.

Two-bit POV

"What'd ya suppose that is?" Steve asked, looking from the engine of the car.
"Ah, you know Johnny," I said with a chuckle, "He'll scream out for Ponyboy if he sees an ant on the ground."
He rolled his eyes, "Maybe it's somethin' serious... Like a body or somethin', Two."
"Trust me, Steve-o, if there's a body back there I'd be the first to hear about it!"
He caught me in a headlock and growled, "Yeah, 'cause it'll be you one a these days!"
The sound of footsteps slamming on the pavement sporadically caught our attention. We saw the figures of Pony and Johnny racing off fast, till they were out of our view in a few seconds.
Then silence for a bit.
"Hey, Dallas?" Steve called out.
No answer. Silence again.
"Gee Scoob," I muttered, looking at hin, "Looks like we got a mystery on our hands."
"Man, shut up! What if Dal is hurt? Maybe they ran off 'cause they didn' wanna get caught or somethin'!"
I laughed real loud. No fucking way! I know Steve's crazy, but this is new.
He sighed in relief when Dallas stepped out from behind the DX building.
He stumbled on his feet, and slurred his words when he greeted us and swore.
"Ruh-roh," he muttered and walked back to the car with his head down.
Wait, this is another clue!
Dal and Johnny were kissing.
Johnny screamed.
The kids ran off.
Dal is drunk.
Wait, did Dal...?
No. No, of course not! I've seen Dally kiss and touch ladies even when they don't want him to. They always warm up to him though. He's not bad-looking, and he knows that he can and they'll go along with it because he's hot. It's really none if my business, so I don't think about it much. But... Johnny? Would Dallas really force himself onto a 16-year-old boy?
...I mean...
"Fucking Pony, man," he said, flicking out a cigarette and a lighter.
"Yeah. What's with all the racket anyhow?"
He shook his head, "Started givin' the kid a hickey and he screamed, Pony rolls in 'n' drags him away!"
That's a lie. You're lying. Drunk liar.
He tilted his head back and groaned loudly.
"Why'd he yell Pony's name and not mine, Two?"
He wanted help, idiot. That's not lust, you dumbass.
I know not to poke the bear though. The drunken, angry, sex-drive-over-the-fucking-wall bear.
"Beats me," I chuckled.
He sighed and leaned against a wall next to me, dragging on his stick.
"Ya know, Two-bit..." he said, not looking at me, "You're my best friend, you know that? It's a miracle I never tried kissin' you before I got to Johnny."
Unless he did and I just didn't notice, or I was drunk. I'm willing to believe anything right now, to be honest. That wouldn't surprise me. He better not do it.
"You know what you need?" I said, hopping up and giving him a smile.
"You?" he smirked unhappily.
I laughed, "No. Sorry, pal. You needa good yank. Get outta here-" I shoved him along the path to the nearest bathroom outside the DX.
I watched him sluggishly make his way to the bathroom. I have a headache. I think the booze from that date with Kathy is wearing off.
"The hell was that?!" Steve hollered at me a moment later.
"Damn kids are gonna make me bald," I muttered, walking off to find Kathy again. Maybe I do need to watch a chick movie, at some point?

Johnny POV

I never get why Ponyboy thinks he can run so damn fast and still expect me to keep up with him. He turned around with minimal effort to find me coughing and breathing like my lungs are gonna explode. Hell, they might. He does this whenever we have to get out of a bind. Socs? Fuck, book it. Hot girls? Book it. Cops? Book it. My legs are gonna hurt.
"Gosh, sorry Johnny," he said, like he read my mind, "You alright?"
He bent down and held out his hand for me. His warm hand.
"It's fine, I'm okay," I said, not wanting him to worry.
He held his breath for a minute, then finally said, "Ya know, I hate to say I told you so, but..."
I leaned against the climbing structure and pulled out a cigarette. I couldn't help but giggle.
"That's fine," I said.
"Did he hurt you or anything?" he asked, not letting me answer before he started examining my face and hands.
"I'm okay."
He kept staring at my face. Not into my eyes, but at my cheeks and lips and eyebrows and chin.
I feel myself getting flushed. I know I've got worse acne than he does, I just hope he isn't only noticing now. Soda noticed yesterday and he isn't the quietest dude. How embarrassing...
"Hey, quit staring, wouldya Ponyboy?" I snapped.
He mumbled "sorry" but won't stop. He put a hand on my cheek and leaned my head in one direction, exposing my neck.
"Woah! What the..." his warm fingers trailed daintily over the hickeys Dallas left on me.
My breath hitched. I grabbed the collar of my denim jacket and flipped it up.
He gave a questionable look.
"Never seen a hickey before?" I asked, chuckling to hide how embarrassed I felt.
He shook his head no.
Don't do it. Don't fucking do it.
I climbed the structure and sat at the top, overlooking all that I could of the park and the street. I dragged on my cigarette and rested my elbows on my knees. I still feel tears in my eyes. If I blink too hard they'll fall and then I won't be able to stop them. That would worry Ponyboy.
Try not to blink a lot.
"Would you get down from there?" Pony called.
"Why should I?" I asked, with mock rebellion in my voice, "You're not my mom."
"Ya oughtta leave something to the imagination, Johnny!" he shouted, "Do I really gotta remind you you're wearing your boxers up there?"
Yeah, I know. He wears shorts all the time, why's this so different.
Oh wait- I've got bruises. That's why. I've got bruises up and down my legs, that now the whole world can see in broad daylight. Of course Ponyboy doesn't want o look at them. Nobody does. I don't. It's unpleasant. Listen to Pony, get down and grab some pants or hide out or something like that. I need to cover myself, nobody wants to see that. I'm just asking for people to give me attention anyway. Nobody wants to see them, it's ugly. Pathetic and ugly and attention whore-y.
I closed my eyes, shut them tight and felt like screaming. Before I realized it and opened my eyes again I was crying. I knew not to blink too long but I did it anyway. Stupid.
I need to listen to Pony, get down. Listen to Pony all the time, he's smart. If I listened to Pony earlier when he said I shouldn't be with Dal I wouldn't be here, pantsless and crying.
"I'm sorry, Ponyboy..."
"Man, whatever. We're all forgetful. C'mon, just stay down here."
"No, I mean..." I flicked away my cigarette and hopped off the structure.
That jump sent shockwaves of pain through my legs. Don't say anything, he'll already be worried when he sees me crying. Don't complain about stupid legs now.
"I mean, just, for everything... I should have listened to you, Pony... Then you wouldn't have to be standing around here with me right now!"
He chuckled, "What, you think I'd rather be sitting around at the DX listening to Steve and Two fight? I'm gonna stand around here with you right now until Dal's gone and you feel alright."
I was silent.
"Is thank okay with you, Johnnykid?"
I nodded. God, yes, that's okay. Please stay.
He smiled and put an arm around me.
"You smell like bourbon, you know that?" he said quietly.
I nodded again, "Dal was drinkin'."
"Right. You should do something about your pants, unless you plan on lookin' any gayer."
I chuckled, "Maybe I need a flower crown."
"Hell yeah you do," he said laughing.

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