Ch 8. ""Love Bites""

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Ponyboy POV

I got Johnny to come home with me at last. The sun started going down and we watched the sunset on the walk back. He's not gonna complain, but I know he's gotta be cold.
We passed the DX and I asked him if he wanted to get his pants back.
"Not really."
Man did I get weird looks coming home with Johnny without any pants on. Sodapop kept giving him a look that makes him blush out of his mind. Darry yelled at me so loud he nearly burst my eardrums when he saw Johnny's hickeys. He tried to tell Darry they were from Dal but he was yelling so loud he couldn't hear him. Soda smacked the back of his head before he finally stopped.
"Pony didn't do that," he said, but gave me a look like he thinks he's lying, "That's all Dallas."
He blinked and muttered that, yeah, that's probably right.
"Yeah it's right! Gosh, Dar, when ya looking for a reason to holler at me can't you at least check your facts first?"
I sighed, tossing a pair of old jeans, that fit a little tight now, at Johnny. He thanked me and apologized a billion times, just like he always does when he borrows my stuff or gets me in trouble. Really, that's just the price you pay for being a best friend. He doesn't have to apologize to me, ever. But he does all the time.
"Where is ol' Dallas anyways?" I asked Soda.
"He's crashed somewhere 'round here. He's been out like a light all day, aside from getting up to pee, mumble about shit, and drink some more, and I think he ate a bagel."
Johnny's eyes were wide. He can't even hear his name without getting scared.
I scooted closer to him on the couch and whispered, "You alright?"
He looked at me like I'm crazy, but his eyes had the same pleading look as before. "Of course. Don't worry about me, Ponyboy."
But I will. I know I will. I already am. This kid is helpless and scared and weak and quiet and Dally is using that to his advantage. It ain't right. I know it.
As if on cue, Dally appeared in the doorway to the hall.
"What's with all the yelling in here, kids?" he mumbled sleepily.
Darry, oblivious to the situation as anyone else but me and Johnny, explained what happened.
"Aww," Dal cooed, "My little Johnny's got marks..."
He leaned over the back of the couch and kissed Johnny's cheek.
"Can I see 'em?" he muttered with a smirk.
"You made 'em, you don't gotta see 'em," Johnny whispered back through gritted teeth.
"I bet Ponyboy got to see 'em," he said loud enough for me to hear, still with a smirk on his face.
"I didn't get to see nothin', Dal. I'm a kid, I don't wanna know about that shit," I said.
I hate telling people that. I hate perpetuating the stereotype that because I'm the youngest I don't know a thing about relationships or girls or sex. But sometimes ya gotta put your believes in the backseat, and 9 outta 10 of those times are to cover your own ass. The other 1 outta 10 is to cover Two-bit's.

Johnny POV

Dal doesn't seem all that drunk, but his breath still reeks of liquor. Man, Pony's telling people he's too young for big kid stuff and I'm scared of Dallas Winston. The whole world is upside down. Am I scared of Dallas? I guess not any more than I ever have been. I've never liked the side of him that gets drunk and hits of girls, only difference now is I'm the girl. And when the girls tell him to stop, he ain't gonna do it. He usually listens to me though. Usually if I told him to stop kissing on me or touching me, he would. Not that I do that much anyways, since I'm so shy. Earlier today was different. He was drunk. That's all it was. He doesn't seem drunk now.
"Fine," I sighed and stood up, gesturing toward the bathroom. As I followed him, Pony said "Holler if he tries anything funny, okay?" I nodded. He worries about me too much, too.
Dallas got real close and examined my neck as I craned my head to one side.
"Man... I barely even remember doin' this..."
"Not surprising. You were pretty near wasted."
He chuckled. I'm serious, you dummy. How does he not get that he should be worried about doing stuff like this when he doesn't remember it?
I just stared at my reflection in the mirror as he looked. Greasy hair, denim jacket covering bruises, pants that aren't mine, face covered in acne tilted to one side. A big tough boy smirking over my shoulder.
"You know what this means, baby?" he asked, pointing to one of the spots on my neck and looking in the mirror as I did.
"Means you're mine. Anybody that sees you'll know you're mine," he smiled and looked back at me again, "I like 'em. They look nice on you."
I was silent for a second.
"It's a bruise, Dal. I got a thousand others."
He chuckled uncomfortably and scratched the back of his neck.
"Ya know, in Britain they call em love bites," he said with a smile, putting his arm around me. "Ya know why they call it that?"
"'Cause bruise ain't an appealing word?" I asked.
Why am I being so snarky? I should be saying this stuff. I'm gonna get my ass kicked for being so smart-mouthed.
"I dunno, probably," he chuckled again, "I like to think there's different words for a reason. Kinda like they all mean somethin' different."
I didn't say anything, so he went on.
"Ya know... Like, ya call it a hickey if ya got it during sex, or somethin', it sounds lustful. Love bite just sounds... Sappy, I guess. Like from a movie. But bruises hurt, ya know? Ya keep callin' it a bruise, but those hurt. I didn't hurt cha, did I?"
He was talking fast, like he's panicked. He's got to stop worrying about me so much. Everything about earlier today hurt, but I can't look him in his big, sad eyes and say that!
"Fine," I said, "Hickey."

Ponyboy POV

I offered Johnny a shower, since he still smells like the alcohol catastrophe Dal was drinking that he told me about. Johnny never passes up a shower, since I don't think he really takes them at his house.
After he got out I asked if he needed a walk home.
"I don't know, Pony. If I come home at this hour with two hickeys, a new pair of pants and freshly showered I'll probably be killed," he said with a laugh.
So we're letting him crash here. Dally figured Johnny was in a bad mood so he left, probably back to crash at Buck's, and other than that there was nobody. Just me and Johnny sitting on the couch in the living room.
I'll never wake up for school tomorrow if I don't sleep now, I thought as I anxiously checked the time. I never really thought about Johnny's sleep schedule, but turns out he doesn't get tired til real late even when he wakes up all early for school. Maybe he's accustomed to not getting a full 8 hours of sleep and now he doesn't mind it.
I rubbed my eyes and yawned.
"You tired, Ponyboy?" He asked.
"Hm? Ah, no, just..."
"You don't gotta stay up with me, ya know."
"Yeah, I know. I'll go in a minute."
I'd feel pretty bad leaving Johnny wide awake on my couch at midnight if I got a choice. He's had a tough day, he probably needs this.
"Hey Johnny?"
"What's gettin' a hickey like?"
He blushed and turned away, clutching his water bottle.
It's still only half empty. He'll never drink enough water.
He took a swig and made a face, a lot like how Two-bit does when he take a shot of vodka. I wonder if Johnny drinks tap water like that because he doesn't like alcohol but he wants the appearance.
He turned back to face me, his cheeks flushing a deep pink, "Ya wanna find out?"
Okay, maybe it is vodka.
"I-I mean-I can show you! If you want, Ponyboy..."
He doesn't look like he's kidding. He doesn't sound like he's kidding. I peaked around the couch, just to make sure nobody was sneaking around.
"Okay," I said, scooting closer to him on the couch, "Do it."
"Wai-... Really?" He muttered.
"Yeah! I wanna know what it feels like. Go ahead, Johnny," I encouraged.
He nodded slightly and put one of his hands on my cheek, tilting my head a little to expose my neck. The same thing I did to him earlier at the park. I totally could have given him a hickey?... Huh, weird. Maybe he thought I was going to.
He leaned in and planted small, slow kisses on the exposed part of my neck. I could feel myself shudder. There was a little area on my neck, closer to the collarbone than the center, that had now been kissed by Johnny Cade a few times. He leaned in closer and licked that little area, real slow. A quiet "Mmph..." escaped me and I bit my lip to keep quiet.
He gave me a questionable look.
"Uh- sorry, keep going."
He nodded and got close again, his breathing surprisingly steady. I tried gritting my teeth to keep from moaning again. This is all so new though. I had no idea how sensitive a neck can be. His lips, his tongue, god what the hell am I doing? This feels fucking amazing.
"You ready?" He whispered into my ear.
I can't help but think there's more? We haven't gotten to the climax yet?
"Gosh, what for?" I asked and bit my lip again.
Then he just giggled, trailing his lips down my neck till he hit that sweet spot closer to the collarbone that he kissed. Then without warning I felt his teeth bite down on my skin.
I balled the couch cushion in my hand. I bit my lip to keep from moaning but it's no good and I know it. It hurts like hell but it feels so great. Besides, it's Johnny, so I'm not worried.
"Fffuck Johnny, man, a-aah..."
He sounded like he giggled at me but I don't mind. His fingers trailed over to mine that still grope the cushion, placing his soft, cold hand on mine.
Johnny kissing, biting, sucking, licking my neck. His hand on mine. Me moaning despite myself. This is crazy. I must be crazy. I should stop this before it gets weird. Probably. Yeah.
I waited a while anyway. I'm not tired anymore, my blood is pumping and I could scream if I didn't know any better. Johnny left 3, or maybe 4, or however many, hickeys on me before he finally pulled away.
I think he was smiling, but stopped when I looked at him again. He's probably nervous, and I probably am too.
"Damn, Johnny..." I muttered with a chuckle, "You ever done that before?"
He shook his head no, "I just did what Dal did to me... Why, do I suck at it?"
Literally, or...?
"No, man. You're actually really good at it..." I can feel myself blushing.
He was silent for a second, then looked at me with a look of mock pride covering a wholesome and genuine smile.
"They look nice on you, Ponyboy."
My face is burning, I know it.

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