Ch 2. Such a tease

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Dally POV

Johnny Cade was the last kid I'd expect to kiss me back. When he held my head and pulled me in, deeper into that kiss, I was damn sure it wasn't his hand. I was half ready to turn around and sock whatever guy was trying to snap my neck.
The walk back to Buck's from that lot that night felt like it could have taken years. But as anxious as I was to get home, I didn't sleep one bit. The next day was a school day so I figured I'd find Johnny waiting for Pony to get home, but nobody was there. I even stopped by his parents house, but he wasn't there. I was relieved he wasn't there though, to be honest, he should never be there.
So I spent a few hours wandering the streets of Tulsa looking for a skinny little dude that I kissed 6 hours earlier. If the guys in NYC could see me now, they'd probably blow my brains out. I wouldn't blame them, letting a kid control my feelings like this. I'm a tough guy, a greaser, a hood–but the kid makes me weak, and I hate it.
I found my way to Soda and Steve's work. I asked if they knew where Johnny was in the most casual voice I could muster.
"He showed up real early this morning to talk to Pony," Sodapop told me, "Can't imagine what was so important it couldn't wait for 'em to go to school... Then he was hangin' around right here for a bit."
I don't know which part of that made me more frustrated. I'd been looking around for Johnny for hours and he is at school! And that he needed to tell Ponyboy so bad. It only took four hours for that kiss to reach Pony's ears.
I know Pony doesn't like me all that much, and I don't mind. He doesn't rat on me, and he doesn't give me shit when I'm doing something stupid or illegal. But Johnny going straight to him after last night... What would he say to
Johnny? Nothing good, I'm sure, and Johnny is always easily influenced. I got a bad feeling in my stomach. Maybe I'd just have to beat Ponyboy's ass the next time I see him.

School got out an hour or two later. I was at the Curtis household around that time, since I wasn't in much of a mindset for picking up girls.
Two-bit must have heard that I'm there, because he came in already hollering at me.
"Whoooie, Dallas! You shoulda seen Marcia today!" He leaned in close to me, "If you like short skirts, boy–n I know you do–you'da died right there with me!"
"Oh yeah, that would've been nice to see," I said, "Two-bit Matthews: dead," I shoved him away and he just barely missed a punch to the gut.
"Whoo! Somebody's cranky," he laughed, "And ya look like hell!"
I do? Come to think of it, I hadn't looked in a mirror all day. I was walking around for a couple hours and I didn't eat, just smoked a couple cigarettes, plus I didn't sleep at all. So, yeah, probably.
Two went to the bathroom for a while after that, no doubt yanking it to Marcia. That guy needs to get a girlfriend, quick. Doesn't he have one?
Pony and Johnny came in after Two-bit without me noticing, so when I turned and they were standing there, it caught me off guard. Ponyboy said he was planning on reading, and pat Johnny's shoulder as a 'goodbye' before retreating into his bedroom.

Johnny POV

Me and Dallas, standing in the Curtis house living room alone, Two-bit in the bathroom and Pony in his bedroom. I had a sick feeling in my stomach when he spoke.
"You tell anybody?" He asked suddenly.
I immediately considered lying about that. What if he didn't want me to tell anybody? What if he was worried about his reputation and the fact that I told Pony, just because he's my best friend, is gonna get me killed? I have enough going against me, and not being able to keep a secret wouldn't be the best thing to add.
But at the same time, I'm not a good liar. I always get too nervous and stuttery. I don't look so great doing that.
"Just Ponyboy," I said, trying to stay calm.
"Did he say anything?" he asked.
"N-no, he didn't. N-nothing at all, just silent, ya know?" I chuckled.
What a lame excuse! I could have just left it at no! I'm gonna get the snot beaten out of me for sure...
He looked at me with narrowed eyes for a second, then he just rolled his eyes and said, "Good."
I nodded. The annoyed look on his face faded when he looked at me again. I finally took off my backpack and put it on the floor, and I took off my coat and threw it on my backpack too. The heat and extra weight on my back was just making me more nervous. When I looked back up at him, he was smiling at me. Dal smiling at me always makes me feel kind of special, important, cool. I couldn't help smiling too, even if I am a little nervous.
After he walked over to me and leaned in close, I could tell he was going to kiss me again.
All I can think about was Soda possibly coming back home soon,
Two-bit in the bathroom,
Ponyboy in his bedroom...
He tried to pull me into a kiss, but I backed away, not looking at his eyes.
Dal gave me a questionable look, and I whispered that somebody could find us. He just gave me a sly smirk and held the back of my head, pulling me closer to him with force.
I know he always gets what he wants, why do I even try?

Ponyboy POV

That was the first time I ever saw them kiss. I could hear them talking about me in the living room, but after a while I didn't hear anything. I figured things just got awkward and they stopped talking. I thought Dally would try to keep it a secret, and maybe avoid kissing guys at my house.
I went out to check on them. I forgot my book on couch the in there anyway, but I was more going to make sure they weren't just avoiding conversation. Honestly, I just fear that Johnny's going to mess up a part of his life that has potential for being really nice, all because he's so nervous all the time. I'd hate for him to miss his shot, if he does love Dallas I mean.
But that wasn't the case, apparently. Johnny, against a wall, almost pinned. His coat, on the floor. He's sweating and his face is noticeably pink. He resisted Dally when I came in. It took him a few moments to get Dally off him, and he had to keep muttering his name urgently to get his attention.
He took a breath and said "Hey pony" with a fake smile. I nodded and said hey back in almost a whisper. Then there was a silence, as Johnny and I sat in uncomfortable eye contact with each other.

Finally he looked back at Dally and said with a sigh, "I'm goin' out for a smoke, Dal

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Finally he looked back at Dally and said with a sigh, "I'm goin' out for a smoke, Dal." He then shoved past the arm that he was still holding him in and sped out the door. He left his stuff on the floor, and I know he keeps his pack in his coat pocket. But I didn't say anything about it.
Dallas just stared at the door for a second, than ran his hand through his hair with a groan. He followed behind him out the door after a few long, dragging moments. On his way out, he gave me a look all evil and dirty, I'm sure he'd spit on me.
"...Those kids are just gettin' gayer and gayer," Two-bit said suddenly, throwing an arm over my shoulder. I don't even remember hearing him get out of the bathroom. I must have really been in a trance.
I stifled a laugh at his comment and jerked his hand away from me, shouting "Get your dirty mitts off me, Two!"

Dally POV

Damn Pony was gonna get his head kicked in, I promise. What could he have said to Johnny to make him feel like he had to lie? What was in the look he gave Johnny that made him decide to go outside? What was in his footsteps that got Johnny to fight me off of him?
That kid has way too much power over my Johnny.
I went outside after him, determination coursing through my veins, and a cigarette being lit in my fingers.
"I'm sorry," he said as soon as he saw me there with him.
I didn't see any reason why I should have forgiven him, but at the same time he hadn't really done anything he needed to apologize for. It was Pony's fault anyway.
Johnny was shaking. He looked up at me and muttered "Dal?..."
Maybe it's just that his hair's a little messy and he isn't wearing his coat, but he looks a lot cuter than usual right about now.
If this wasn't a problem before, this would be the point that it became a problem. All I want is to kiss him comfortably, undisturbed, and tell him everything that's always clouding my mind all the time. And yet, no matter what, he won't let me have that. It's going to kill me.
I took a drag on my cigarette and rested my arm on his shoulder. I could tell that messed with his balance a little, but he didn't say anything.
I sighed and smirked at him, "You're such a tease, kid."

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