Chapter 5: Confusion

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After the Halted flood outbreak, Liam starts acting a little strange and out of character.

Liam takes the crew to an abandoned forerunner structure attached to an asteroid, for seeming no reason.

Liam: "This is important, send a detachment to this installation, now.

Captain Adams: "Since when were you to one to give orders?"

Liam: "Since now."

Following Liam's orders, they send a detachment of marines to the Forerunner structure.

The Marines wonder the strange construction, eventually to activate a strange pod, out-comes a large creature with two sets of arms, two tiny black arms, one arm with a large bladed instrument on the end, and the other with a strange weapon resembling a carbine of some kind attached to the tip.

It had a triangular body with a point on the upper back, its head was hexagonal, its legs seemingly floated near their pelvis, shaped like an upside-down pyramid. it was steel colored with orange lights glowing about their body, particularly above their larger set of arms, their chest below their head, and their eyes. its mouth had two sets of around 40-50 teeth.

Around it, there were floating pieces of metal with the same colors and accent colors, as it stepped closer, it leaned forward, its face opened up into to four segments, revealing a glowing orange skull inside as it let out a monstrous scream.

It fired its carbine into one of the marines faces, the marine dissolved into orange dust, and blew away. the other marine fired his assault rifle into the creature until it let out a roar and its left shoulder blew off of it. the marine then focused fire on the second shoulder, blasting that one off as well, and then fired at its opening face, this caused it to die in a similar way to the marine it had recently killed.

The marine fled the scene, escaping to the pelican that had dropped him there.

The marine describes the creature to the other marines aboard the pelican, they all put on shocked faces as he described the death of the other marine.

as they docked inside the sapphire, he explained the happenings to Teresa, and she reports back to the captain.

Liam gives a look to the Marines, almost disappointed.

Then, as strange airborne Entities start flying out of the Forerunner structure,  he launches all the escape pods and launches every single ship on the sapphire, with a single snap of his fingers. He then begins laughing maniacally. 

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