Chapter 4: Hitchhiker

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Wednesday, August 12th, 2557

The marines are talking to each other the in the break room.

Marine: "That was crazy what happened in the cave yesterday... ugh.

Teresa: "Hey! Hurry up, we got places to be!"

Later that night, the crew were inspecting the engine room... and the rancid smell of the caves had returned, something was not right.

One of the marines were infected and with a simple scratch, spread the infection to the other marines, the entire group was compromised. 

They were used as biomass and used to form a proto-gravemind.

After Several Hours, Teresa went to check on the marines.  as she walked, she found the disgusting mass known as a proto-gravemind, the face of one of the marines protruding out of the mass.

Teresa: "Oh... oh god."

The mass was inside the ship.

Teresa ran up to report to Captain Adams. 

Teresa: "Captain!, oh god we need help."

Captain Adams: "what is the matter?"

Teresa: "the... the creatures from the shield world... there on the ship.."

Captain Adams: "In the engine room?" 

Teresa: "Yes!"

Captain Adams: "Flush em out, open the air-lock."

James: "Yes sir."

James opens the airlock, throwing the proto-gravemind into space, along with the rest of the flood in the engine room.

a sigh of relief echoes through the ship.

(sorry for such a short chapter, but I couldn't think of much else for this section of the story.)

Halo: SapphireDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora