New Girl Part 3

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It's your first day of school and you wake up to an alarm. BEEP BEEP. You slowly get up and it's 6 a.m. You get up and realize its the FIRST DAY OF PUBLIC SCHOOl. You quickly get up and go to the bathroom. You get ready and then you remember that you don't how to put makeup on. You decide to facetime Sadie. 


Sadie: Hey! Why are you calling so early?

Y/n: Shoot! I forgot that you have a different time frame! Well, you don't have to help me then.

Sadie: Oh it's totally fine. I was just watching Netflix. 

Y/n: Oh fun! Well, I just realized I don't really know how to put makeup on...

Sadie: Oh right! 

*Sadie tells you all about makeup*

Sadie: Please don't tell me you are going to wear that for the first day *looks at your outfit* Have you gotten any recent packages?

Y/n: Yeah... I got one yesterday night. 

Sadie: Open it!

*You open the box*


Sadie: Wear something from that package!


*End of Facetime call*

You are done getting ready and then go downstairs. You come down to Eggo waffles. You knew your dad would not have cooked and probably was at work. 

Y/n: Hey Carla! Did dad leave?

Carla: Yes. I just made some Eggos. Is that ok with you?

Y/n: Yeah that's ok!

You quickly eat and then Carla and you go to the car. 

Carla: Ready for public school?

Y/n: I guess.

*Y/n POV*

The whole car ride went by pretty silently. Sadie kept texting me tips about how to survive high school. I kept getting nervous by the minutes. Then, we arrived. I got off the car and said bye to Carla. I looked up to see a washed out beige building. It was huge. I slowly walked over and then, the bell rang. I ran over to my first class. There were a whole bunch of people surrounding the class. I got inside and almost all the seats were taken. I took a seat right in front of a boy and next to a boy. I was so annoyed because I wanted to sit with some girls so I could make friends. The boy right next to me was Noah and the boy in front of me was Finn. They kept goofing off and it got so annoying that I said, "CAN YOU GUYS PLEASE STOP??" They turned to me and started laughing. I already had a feeling I would hate them. ESPECIALLY FINN! Then, the bell rang. It was time for my next class. I obviously had to have my next class with Noah. 

Noah: Hey.

Y/n: Hey.

Noah: Are you new?

Y/n: Yup. 

Noah: That's cool. Where did you move from?

Y/n: Well, I didn't really move from anywhere. My dad and I have been traveling, so all I ever had as home was... I guess, hotels??

Noah: Woah that's so cool! I wish I could travel, I actually haven't really traveled anywhere far. It sucks. 

*Bell rings and everyone stops talking*

Y/n POV:

As the teacher was talking, all I could think about was Noah. He was so sweet and way better than Finn. He was fun to talk to and I JUST COULDN'T stop thinking about him. I tried to clear my head and I kept trying to stop thinking about him, but I couldn't. I was starting to think, I might have a crush on Noah. I snapped out of it when everyone was staring at me. 

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