New Girl Part 4

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Mrs. Williams: Y/n, do I have to repeat my question?

Y/n: umm... can you please?

Mrs. Williams: Already setting a bad expression are you, Miss y/l/n?

Y/n: Sorry! I promise it won't ever happen again!

Mrs. Williams: *sighs* The question was, "Tell us 2 facts about you that we probably won't know."
I'm letting you off easy since its the first day of school, but how do you manage to already be in trouble the first day? And to the easiest question? Kids these days.

You can feel your face turning red in embarrassment and already hate public school. The only good thing right now was Noah, sitting right in front of me. He turned back and mouthed some words.

Y/n: Um... *looking at Noah* I have traveled all around the world and have been homeschooled my entire life until now.

Mrs. Williams: On to the next person...Noah!

Noah: Well...I have been here my whole life and my dream is to travel.

*Y/n POV*

When Noah said that his dream was to travel, he winked right at me. I couldn't help but blush and I couldn't help looking at him the whole class period.

*Bell rings*

Time for my next class, I take a deep breath. I see Noah trailing behind me, and I wait for him. I can already feel that this might have been a great change.

*End of y/n POV*

You and Noah are walking side by side. You don't know what to say except look at him. Then, you bump into something and everything falls in your hands. You can feel your face get redder, you fall to the ground and start picking up your stuff. You pick up your binder, the same time Noah does and your hands meet. Your stomach has butterflies. You stare into his eyes and he stares into yours and you can feel that this is the perfect moment to kiss. Right when Noah was coming closer to your face, the bell rang. I quickly picked up my stuff and ran to my next class.

*Time skip to lunch*

You are in the cafeteria, you haven't really made any friends, so you don't know where to sit. You feel your body tense up, you don't wanna sit by yourself. Right when you are about to sit in a table by yourself, Noah comes to you.

Noah: Hey y/n

Y/n: Hi Noah

Noah: I don't wanna sound weird, but if you don't have anywhere to sit, you can sit with my friend group... but it's totally fine if you don't want to!

Y/n: Yeah!

You guys walk to his lunch table. You wanna take a dramatic twist to their "friendship" and hold his hand. But, for all you know, Noah was just close to your face and didn't like you. When you reached to his lunch table, you saw Finn and these 2 girls and another boy.

Noah: Hey guys, this is y/n! Can she sit with us?
Finn: For sure!
Y/n: So, I don't know all of your names...
Wyatt: I am Wyatt.
Mils: I am Mils.
Elle: Hey! I'm Elle!

Y/n POV:

I was really becoming friends with Elle, but not really Mils. I felt as though she hated me. I realized that Finn and Elle were dating when they started kissing. I wasn't close to Mils, so I didn't really have anyone to talk to. Then, out of nowhere, Noah asks me something.

Noah: Hey y/n, can we go to the bleachers?

Y/n: Yeah..

You can feel your body tense up. Was this the moment?

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