1: Hicky

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She sits at the front, but her presence is unnoticed. Her auburn hair hangs annoyingly in her eyes as she concentrates on her work. Her hand skims across the pages, writing furiously, trying to write each and every detail about the French Revolution.

Her messy writing comes to a halt when the door opens, notifying a late comer. She flicks her hair out of her eyes to see the only person she was not expecting. Her palms start to sweat, her breathing increases and she fiddles with the ends of her hair.

The alluring, mysterious, yet welcoming green eyes of his skim over the room, her dull brown ones not daring to make contact with his. To her misfortune, he shuffles over to her, making himself comfortable while she sat there, feeling any thing but comfort.

Harry Styles was sitting next to her.

Rude, scrutinising and envious stares were received by her fellow female classmates. She simply shrinks into her wooden chair, trying to swat away the nauseating attention. Her eyes dart to him for a second to see him concentrating on his own work, his eyes skimming past each word as he licks his lips with furrowed brows. She hurriedly moves her eyes away from him, trying to concentrate on her own work.

But the task becomes painfully impossible when his deep, velvety voice soothes into her ears.

"Scarlett is it?"

Her breath is caught in her throat as she tried to comprehend how in the world this boy noticed her. She was anything but flamboyant, popular, famous or social. She was in fact the polar opposite. She didn't need friends, she found comfort in her books and artwork.

Scarlett simply nods, her cheeks dangerously close to blushing crimson.

"I'm Harry."

I know, she wants to say. But she doesn't in hopes of seeming normal and friendly. However, she knew she was not at all normal. She was quiet, introverted, lonesome and so called "nerdy", who would want to befriend her?

She offers him a polite smile and looks away just as quickly. He noticed how her eyes sparkled in the dim lighting of the room, her auburn hair shaped into lose curls, a few strands hanging in her eyes, her beautiful and shy smile took his breath away. He has certainly seen her around, munching on her food in the cafeteria while she read a book, green head phones secured in her ears, completely tuned out of the real world. He admired her for reasons he did not know. How did he not notice her beauty any earlier? She was just so beautiful and so captivating that he simply couldn't resist the urge to sit near her.

He discretely glanced at her to see her gazing down at her lap, her fingers intertwining and releasing as she fiddled with them, an obvious sign of nervousness. He couldn't help but let his lip quirk up slightly, the sight of her frazzled state was simply adorable.

Harry shakes the thoughts out of his head, he met this girl only minutes ago, he couldn't think such things.

"Do you know where Mrs.Willard is?" He asks about their history teacher, his voice sending shivers down her spine. He sounded hesitant, vulnerable and so innocent that she wondered if he really was that popular, charming, mysterious yet loveable boy in her grade.

"Sh-She's in a meeting with the principle. Said she'll b-be back soon."

She cursed at herself for stuttering as if she was a love sick puppy, which she certainly was not. She was not infatuated, not in love. She did not believe in such things, she has seen enough to know that love is dangerous.

Harry nodded, amusement sparkling in his eyes as he watched her stumble over her words.

Ms. Willard suddenly waddles into the room, her breath slightly ragged. "I'm sorry for my late arrival, the meeting was held for an unexpectedly prolonged time."

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