13: Dress up

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Song Suggestion: The Great Escape - Boys Like Girls

"Hi Perrie." Scarlett smiled at her, sitting down next to her in Art. She had always seen Perrie in art, but never did she think that she would be sitting next to her and talking to the girl.

"Hey, anything exciting happen this week?" Scarlett wanted to tell Perrie about her meeting with Harry at the cafe during the weekend, but she wasn't sure if the others knew about his visits to the place, it sounded like something personal for Harry. Just to be on the safe side, she was going to skip that information.

"Not much." She said vaguely, watching Perrie sketch a cartoon hand with it's index and middle fingers crossed over. Scarlett found the picture vaguely familiar, as if she had seen it somewhere around.

"That looks familiar." She said, nodding at the image and Perrie smiled.

"It's one of Zayn's tattoos." The girl replied softly, her smile never faltering.

Scarlett couldn't help but to admit that the couple was adorable together. The same went to Louis and Eleanor. She never really paid much attention to relationships before, but sitting with Harry had given her the opportunity to see what it was like. She would always catch Zayn's secretive glances at Perrie or Eleanor's blushes whenever Louis complimented her. She would always see the comforting gestures they shared, whether it was holding one another's hands, a peck on the lips or cheek. She found it surprising when she had once felt a sense of longing when she had seen Perrie bid Zayn with a goodbye hug. It had just been the way the two had fit so perfectly together, the way they were so comfortable within each other's presence. She wanted that. She had spent that day trying to slap herself out of those thoughts. She had much more important things to focus in life such as her education. She was Scarlett, and Scarlett never felt those kinds of things.

The rest of their Art class went with learning about photography, and how they would soon be completing an assessment on photography. The bell had rung, where students eagerly packed away their things and walked out of the room, rushing to their next class.

"You two!" Scarlett and Perrie were interrupted when they heard someone. The two stopped their chatter and looked around to see Harry making his way towards them. He stopped a few feet in front of them, walking backwards while they kept walking. Scarlett had always wondered how he did that, how he managed not to bump into someone or something always puzzled her.

"You guys are going to the party tonight?" Harry asked with a grin on his face. It was currently Friday, the end of another week for them all. To Scarlett, it felt as if it was only yesterday that she bumped-or maybe ran-in to Harry at the coffee shop.

Perrie nodded, smirking. "Zayn and I will be there." She said, now taking a different path to them. Scarlett and Harry both had history now. "Have fun in Math Perrie." Scarlett smiled waving at her.

"You wish." Perrie muttered, walking away with a soft frown.

The two simply chuckled, Harry now walking beside Scarlett.

"So?" Harry drawled out, waiting for Scarlett's answer.

"So what?" Scarlett asked, confused.

"Can you go? To the party?" Scarlett stopped in her tracks to look at Harry with the flattest expression she had.

"Oh come on Scarlett! It's only a small party. You should learn to have fun every now and then." Harry said exasperatedly.

Scarlett bit her lip, shaking her head.

"Excuse me, but I have a lot of fun already." She said, knowing that she was lying through her teeth.

"Really?" Harry asked, amusement and a trace of doubt tickling his tone.

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