11:Talking To The Moon

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Talking To The Moon - Bruno Mars

It was her usual Sunday for Scarlett. Throughout the week everyone had been busy, they were all a little closed off lately. It was due to their upcoming exams and Scarlett was glad to know that her group of friends took education seriously. Today she decided to change things a little and visit a small cafe at night. She had felt suffocated in her home, smothered by the constant studying and revision she had to do. It didn't help her one bit when she had caught her mother sitting on her bed, staring at a photo of her father. Scarlett had watched through the small open crack of her mother's door, watching as her delicate fingers traced the aged face of her father, her hands visibly shaking. The sight was enough for Scarlett to leave the house, she knew her mother was not over her father's death. None of them were, not Scarlett and not Nick. They were all still missing him dearly, all three of them feeling his missing presence stab them in their hearts.

Scarlett entered the small cafe, the sweet melody of bells chiming as the bitter sweet mix of coffee filled her nostrils. She noticed a small stage set up in front of the cafe, where a microphone stood alone up the front along with speakers surrounding the stage. The place was quite dark, only dim lighting provided Scarlett with a view of the stage and menu on her table. She had sat down in a small, plush booth alone, just how she liked it. Her eyes wondered over the menu, where she finally ordered a simple hot chocolate and custard tart.

Just as her waiter came and placed her order, she saw a young man come up to the front of the stage, clearing his throat awkwardly into the microphone.

"I-um...T-this is," His voice cracked a little, a static beep deafening the customers ears. The young man panicked, his eyes widening at the obvious disturbance he had caused.

"S-sorry." He muttered, tapping the microphone and clearing his throat once again.

An upbeat song had begun to play, something which Scarlett found unsuitable for a small cafe like this. People came here to relax, to calm down, to rest themselves. They came here to find some peace and quiet in their busy lifestyles, to escape from their troubles. At least that's what Scarlett did. The man's voice rung throughout the little space of the cafe, his voice edgy and pop-like. The tune had ruined the dim, chilled aura of the shop. Scarlett looked around to see the tense bodies of some customers and the soft, displeased frowns on other's faces. She knew right then that this young man was not going to have a very good day.

It felt as if the entire cafe let out a synchronized breath of relief when the music had ended, everyone slowly going back to their chatter or rest. Some were reading, some were mindlessly sipping away at their drinks as they stared at nowhere in particular, others chatting comfortably with their families or friends.

It was after ten minutes or so (where Scarlett had stared at her drink in deep thought), that she heard thudding footsteps, notifying her of a new performer. She looked up, the hot chocolate she had sipped on almost spraying out of her mouth. She coughed and sputtered, trying to remain quiet as she used a napkin to wipe away at her mouth. She was not used to surprises, she was not used to being shocked, to being this dumbfounded.

Her eyes watched the performer stand in front of the microphone, an acoustic guitar slung over their shoulder. A subtle confidence radiated around them, showing just how comfortable they were on the stage, her first thought was that they belonged on the stage.

"Hi? Um..." He chuckled into the microphone a little. "I'm Harry and I'm going to play you guys a song."

His voice soothed into the microphone, his demeanor was quite the opposite to the previous performer's.

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