Prologue: The Beginning of the Tale

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I walked through the middle school halls, trying to find my best friend, Sayori. We've been friends for a while, starting since we were in the first class together in third grade.

I hated being short. I could barely see a thing. Like the big purple- haired student. I had bumped into one of the biggest kids in sixth grade. When I bumped into her, I immediately fell down to the ground. She turned around, and pulled her arm out to help me up. I grabbed her hand, feeling my face turning red. Was I... blushing? The girl told me her name, and said I could sit with her at lunch today. She then walked away.

Yuri. Yuri was the girl's name.

At lunch, me and Sayori sat with Yuri and her friend, Monika. We all talked, and we all became good friends after that.

But I remember one night, one night in particular, that scarred us both for life!


I remember I invited Yuri to this high school party, and I guess we had too much to drink, cause all I remember is waking up in someone else's bed, Yuri was next to me, and we were both naked. I was like, We did not! But we did. That night, me and Yuri lost our virginities to each other.

We both kept it a secret, and a few days after the party, Yuri asked me a question.


Yuri asked me, "So... Natsuki. Ever since we met in middle school, I've had a crush on you. And I wad wondering... if you wanted to be... my... girlfriend?" I was in shock. I told her that I felt the same way, and we kept it a secret from then on.

Please don't tell anyone. ESPECIALLY Monika and Sayori!

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