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I walked with MC to his house, and when we walked in, I stared in awe. His kitchen looked so fancy!

"Wow, I just LOVE your kitchen!" I exclaimed.

"Thanks. I'm actually a pretty decent baker." MC explained.

"Well how about you cook me a snack?" I joked.

"Not if you make one too." MC said.


For an hour, we made each other snacks. MC made a strawberry ice cream cake, and I made M'N'M cookies. After we were done, we ate each other's work. I have to admit, MC's cake was not that bad. I actually had seconds. He also said he loved my cookies, and said I should be a chef when I'm older. I considered it.

After three hours of hanging out at MC's, I decided to head home.


I waited on the tree for Natsuki so we could talk about our day, but she never came. I saw her papa come home at 6:00 though, so I understood why she wasn't gonna be coming outside to talk tonight.

In the morning, I was late for school because Natsuki didn't even come outside. I later learned she left before I came out. And I figured out why.

Natsuki & Yuri: The Secret CoupleWhere stories live. Discover now