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When I got in the car, I started it, and saw Monika and MC run toward the car. They both got in the back. Sayori ran, carrying Natsuki, and got in the passenger seat. I then drove to the hospital.

When we got there, we waited 20 long minutes before they finally called us. Me and Monika carried Natsuki over, while Sayori and MC were behind.

After we explained what happened to the nurse, she went over to get the doctor.

We all waited impatiently.

"I hope Natsuki's alright." Sayori said. "I can't imagine life without her."

"Let's just wait for the doctor and see what he has to say." Monika replied.

"But what about her-" That's when I figured it out. Natsuki had gotten beaten up by her papa. "I figured it out..." I whispered.

"Figured out what?" MC asked.

"How Natsuki got on that condition." I answered.

"How?" They all asked me.

"It must've been her papa."

"Her papa did that much damage?! He must be really abusive." Monika said, looking away, having a nervous expression on her face.

Finally the doctor came in, and I explained to him what I thought happened. Natsuki was said to be in the hospital for a few days.

We then said goodbye to Natsuki and went home.


When I got outside, I waited for five minutes for Natsuki, but then realized she was in the hospital. And I also realized today was the day I had to tell my friends about me and Natsuki's secret relationship.

When it was lunch time, I went over to the literature club. Monika and Sayori were already there. We talked for a little bit until MC came. That's when I said, "Guys, can I tell you all something?"

"Sure. What is it?" Monika asked.

And then I started telling them the whole story.

Natsuki & Yuri: The Secret CoupleWhere stories live. Discover now