Tag #2

49 2 2

Tagged by Lolipoping9

15 facts about me:
1. The cake is a lie
2. I wear PJs.
3. Undertale is my spirit animal
4. Actually, cross that out, Manny is my spirit animal
5. I like Percy Jackson
6. And Harry Potter
7. If I get tagged again to tell more facts about myself, I'll burn my cheese
8. I know 2 people in Wattpad irl
9. I hope the earth dies soon
10. What time is it? Oh it's 9:30, there's fish everywhere.
11. Wait- fish everywhere?
12. Cross that out, there's mine turtles everywhere
13. I can't write anymore facts
14. I don't know myself
15. Every time I write myself, it corrects to kys.

Tag 10 users:
I'll spare the last few users.

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