Crimson White. Pt 1

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Capri shut his locker and picked up his bag, he took a deep breath and turned around to face the sea of students.

First day of school usually sucks, you have to make a reputation or you'd be stuck alone and a loser. Make the wrong reputation and you're going down bully alley. Make the right reputation and you're probably gonna find yourself sniffing crack in someone's basement.

So basically, Capri just wants to have a small group of friends and be done. Since it was a whole new high school, making him a freshman, almost everyone here was a complete stranger.

He took that opportunity to try to mingle with the nice people, so with a heavy heart, he moved forward...and immediately bump into someone.

"Ah- I'm so sorry." Capri said as he heard a book drop to the floor, it flipped open to reveal a bunch of drawings of the same thing over and over. A batter and a bunch of hoops.

The person Capri bumped into quickly reached for the sketchbook and flipped back her snow white hair. "It's fine."

"I like your drawings." He complimented, pointing at her sketchbook. She blushed and looked away.

"Thanks." She mumbled. "I'm Min by the way."

"I'm Capri Kiko, no last name?" He raised an eyebrow.

"No." Min scratched her arm. Capri found it strange but accepted it anyways. He was about to say something when the bell rang. "See you around, Capri." Min waved before walking the opposite direction.

"Yeah, same." Capri breathed, he walked off too.


"Students are now allowed to pick more than one club activity, check out the posters on the billboard near the cafeteria to see which club suits your interest." The PA system said, after the bell rang. People reached for their things and walked off, some now in pairs. The hallway was now louder than before.

Capri still haven't made a friend yet, which was fine, there was always that Min girl he could talk to during lunch. He made his way to his locker and kept his things before walking off to the cafeteria, stopping by the billboard.

There she was, Min, looking at the posters with a very calculative look, as if she wanted to see what was the best way to cut up the billboard into pieces.

Capri watched as she sighed and walked off, satisfied yet also disappointed.

He didn't even notice he was staring until the wave of students started bumping into him, almost knocking him over.

Capri jogged after Min, the amount of students walking around was now doubled, making it harder to reach her. He pushed through them as much as possible.

"Hey!" He managed to catch up to her, a little out of breath.

"Oh, hey, how are you?" Min queued for lunch, holding a plastic tray.

"Tired." Capri huffed, queuing behind her. "About the drawings..."

"What about the drawings?" Min flushed red.

"Is it OFF?" Capri asked. "I've seen it around before."

"Yeah it is!" Min's eyes lit up, giving off a dangerous vibe, the lunch lady even moved back a bit when she saw her eyes.

Despite that, it didn't bother Capri at all. "Cute." He mumbled under his breath.

"Sorry?" Min asked, walking out the queue, her tray now filled with food.

"COOL- I mean cool. We have, uh, something in similar interests." Capri could feel himself redden, following Min.

"Yeah, pretty nice." Min bumped shoulders with him before sitting at an empty table. "Got a club you wanna join yet?"

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