Another Teensy Surprise

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"Hey, how about a movie night?" Clint suggested later that evening.

Steve looked up from where he was reading Keeper of the Lost Cities: Nightfall. "Shouldn't we wait for Tony?"

"Tony and Pepper have been gone for hours. They could very well have gone to Italy or something for the weekend." Natasha said, waving aside Steve's suggestion. "Besides, I'm pregnant, and pregnant women get the final say so."

Clint grinned. "You stole that from Laura."

"Doesn't mean I don't get the final say." Natasha shrugged. "Let's do movie night."

Loki grinned. He enjoyed pregnant Natasha. She was certainly not able to be argued with in this condition. Not that anyone could argue with her on a normal day, but her being pregnant made her five times as formidable.

"What are we watching?" Sam asked, who'd gotten back with Rhodey a few hours earlier.

Clint thought for a moment. "Musical."

Rhodey groaned. "Do we have to?"

"Yes." Everyone chorused, giving Rhodey stern looks.

"Fine." He grumbled.

"Something before the 2000s." Steve added. "Too confusing after that." Bucky nodded his agreement.

"Most of the good ones are before then anyways." Natasha said on their behalf.

"Ok..." Clint said, thinking, but it was Thor who answered.

"How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying." Thor said smiling.

Loki nodded eagerly. "Best con man ever." Darcy nudged him, but said nothing.

"Nooooo." Rhodey moaned.

"Yes!" Sam and Wanda interjected over Rhodey's protests.

Vision just sighed. "Oh dear."

Bucky shrugged. "Fine by the 40s group." Natasha gave him a dirty look but Steve snickered.
"THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE!" Rhodey said for the millionth time that movie.

"What's impossible this time?" Natasha asked, smirking. She loved this movie.

"How could Finch possibly know that his favorite kind of drop is lemon? That's ridiculous!"

"Maybe the book told him." Bucky said, a little muffled by the fact that he was sprawled out on the coffee table, dozing.

"But... but..." Rhodey groaned. "You people and your stupid movies."

Natasha opened her mouth to reply, but Tony walked in.

"Hey, Stark." Clint said, grinning. "You should join! It's a musical!"

Tony just sat down on Rhodey and sighed.

The other Avengers glanced at each other. Usually Tony would start on how stupid musicals were, but he obviously wasn't up to snuff today.

"Tony?" Bruce asked. Everyone started slightly. They hadn't even realized he was there. "What's up?"

Tony sighed again and stared at his friend. "Pepper's pregnant."
There was a round of excited chatter before they realized that Tony wasn't as excited as they were.

"Tony?" Steve asked, frowning. "What's wrong?"

"It's just... what if I'm a terrible dad? My dad certainly wasn't that great. I just don't want to mess up that kid's life."

Natasha and Bucky burst into laughter at that.

"It's not funny!" Tony protested, hurt.

"It's not you." Natasha assured him, still chuckling.

"It's just..." Bucky stared at Tony, amused. "Do you know how often Tasha and I have had this conversation? Tony, the fact that you're worried whether or not you'll be a good dad shows that you care and are going to do your best. That's all anyone can do."

Tony smiled. "Thanks, fella. I appreciate it."

Bucky nodded and smiled. "Hey, I guess we'll all learn to be parents together!"

"Speaking of parents..." Clint said curiously. "Where's Pepper?"

"Upstairs sleeping." Tony said with a sigh. "I'm really to old for this type of excitement."

Natasha snickered. "Babies in your senior citizen years seems to be the trend this year."

Bucky snorted. "Yeah, and if you carbon dated me, it'd show a normal young man of twenty seven."

Thor frowned. "But carbon dating is how much carbon is in something right? Well you'd have ninety seven years worth of carbon inside of you."

Bucky shrugged. "Are we counting the years I was in cryo? Cause then it's probably closer to forty seven."

"Plus the first twenty that they were breaking you." Natasha added.

"Which would make twenty seven." Bucky said proudly.

"But..." Thor began, but Clint threw a pillow at him. "Are we going to watch the movie or not?"
Hey guys! It looks like we're getting close to the end of this story :( I'm trying to decide how much longer to go on though and I'd love to hear your comments! Should we end right after the birth of Natasha and Bucky's baby, or should I keep going into more detail of them becoming parents? Once I've finished this story, I'm going to write a story mainly revolving around Loki, so if you've got anything you'd like to see in that story, please comment!

Sorry about the shorter chapter, but I honestly didn't know where to go with this chapter😂

Have a great day!

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