Chapter 5

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( Sorry I have been gone!! Finals came (and summer)!! Again I am super duper SORRY! Enjoy the Chapter!!!)

After the meeting America and Japan met up again for lunch. America was in utter shock when he saw Japan's lunch. It looked amazing!
He could not take his eyes of it!

Japan of course noticed all this. He didn't show it though. He found it cute how big America's shiny blue eyes got. Now that Japan looked for closely, they were not even blue! More of a slight turquoise or a sky/baby blue. It was so pretty. Japan eventually also got lost staring at something.

After awhile Japan snapped out of it and built the courage to ask America if he wanted a part of his lunch (America was still staring at the lunch.)


"Huh,OH um yea Dude!" America said his face turning red realizing he had been staring at Japan's lunch for such a long time.

"Would you like.." Japan slightly gulped and then continued saying "a part of my lunch?"

America's bright eyes got wide as the small asian country asked if he wanted to SHARE his lunch. Maybe Japan really absolutely didn't hate him. (He thought maybe Japan had been pretending.)

"A-are you sure dude?" America asked a little cautious of making a wrong move.

"Hai!" Said Japan holding the food closer to America as tough directing him to take one. He took a piece of sushi which was REALLY good. They ate in silence for awhile and then being the somewhat nerds they are started playing a new game called Pokemon.

While this was going on Russia and China stared at them depicting a new plan. Japan sure wasn't going to be on their side now. China also knew, though he hated to admit it, that his brother was slowly falling in love.

(Again so sorry FOR THE WHOLE HAITUS I had things to take care of but i will try an post more often.)

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