Chapter 17

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  Germany's speech was short and simple. It didn't take much to convince the nations to help him. Even though only a few days ago they would have been at each other fighting over something stupid.

It was determined that a search party would start in two days. Everyone needed time to cool down. Kiku first made sure Hong King, Taiwan, and Korea would be alright. They were still freaking out over the disappearance of  China. Even if they all didn't get along, Kiku still loved his siblings. He made sure they weren't shaking and were calm. It took a lot of work to get them to calm down, but it worked out in the end.

They all planned to go to Iceland's place (He had a thing for Hong Kong) while the issues were tackled.

  Japan himself was planning to just stay at his regular home in Tokyo. He felt it was safe and he had friends their to help if anything. Then came a certain blonde nation. 

Alfred told Kiku that he was going to stay at his house. Japan refused, but Alfred doesn't give up easily.

  "Come on, Keeks!" America said, adding a nickname he thought of, which caused Japan to blush slightly.
   "No Alfred!" Kiku retorted.

Then Kiku felt a hand on his waist. His face got redder as he realized he was being lifted up.  Alfred put Kiku on his shoulder and started running. Though Kiku was a little annoyed ... he laughed.

This was a fun moment. Moments like these would stop very soon....


Did ya like it??
I hope you did.

Also I want to come out with a new book.
It would be BTS or Hetalia. I'm not sure yet.

Thank You for reading!!

-Author Chan OuT

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