Chapter 13

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Everyone now stared at the screen looking at the new video that came on.  It was Anime talking to Kyoto about random things. Then Tokyo asked Anime something.

"Have I ever told you the person Japan used to like?"

"No! Who is it? Did he confess to them?!"

"No, no! He was to scared to confess."


"Anyway the person is—"

"...It is??"

"Anime are you filming?"


"Turn off the camera , if Japan sees this he will kill me!"


"No buts, just turn it off!"

  And with that the screen turned off. Japan's face had a light shade of pink on it. He knew exactly who they were talking about. The were talking about America..


  Japan sat in his room awaiting the next letter from America. Every time he got a letter his heart skipped a beat. The American could send such lovely letters. Sometimes they were ridiculous letters but he loved them anyway.

  When Kyoto walked in he handed Japan a letter. Japan's heart started going crazy as he opened the letter.

Dear Japan,

  Its me, America! I wanna come visit I miss you so much! I hope you know how much you mean to me!^^

Hopefully coming to you soon,


  It was a short letter but Japan's heart was going wild. Hope you know how much you mean to me... Japan knew it was westerner thing to say but he hoped America meant a loving way.

Japan started writing a letter to America. He was about to write I love you ,but he didn't.  When he sent the letter away he started crying. He felt as though he missed his opportunity to tell America that he loved him.

"Ashiteru..." Japan said silently.

•End of Flashback

"Japan..." said a familiar voice "Japan!"
  Japan snapped out of his flashback to see all the nations staring at him. Most look intrigued by the video and England, England looked like he discovered the worlds largest diamond. England started walking towards Japan with a smirk on his face.

"So who is this person you loved?"

Japan stayed silent.

"Not talking? Well was this person someone who helped you during World War Two?"

Still silent.

"Oh don't tell me! He died!"

Japan still looked down grabbing the water beside him.

"Was it in Hiro—"

England wouldn't be able to finish his sentence at this point. Why? Well Japan did something no nation thought they would ever see him do. He had dunked water on England's head. This caused gasps around the room.


"Did he Just..."

Japan looked down and whispered something..


"What was that?" England said.

"TEME!" Japan shouted really shocking everyone. They rarely heard Japan scream.

" You cruel person!" Japan screamed again "Why do you need to know about my love life?! Why does it matter to you!?"

"Well I need to prove your evil..."

Japan smacked England so hard a red mark was left on the cheek and Japan's eyes started welling up.

" I know what I did was terrible and I may never be forgiven, but this was my personal life!" Japan screamed tears slowly starting to roll down his cheeks "And aren't we supposed to all be trying to move forward cause you seem to be moving back!"

England was now silent. Japan was right..He had made a mistake.


There was silence for a moment as all the nations stared at a Japan they had never seen before. The one who was usually composed and calm. The one who rarely showed an emotions. Did he always bottle up his feelings? Where is his breaking point?

"I'll kill you..."

Everyone in the rooms eyes widened. Tokyo and Anime looked calm and looked at England with disgust. At this point England eyes were widen but you couldn't see cause his head was looking down.

Silents Japan. Tokyo, and Anime walked out of the room.

  Germany, Italy, Romano, and Prussia followed after them as the rest of the nations stared at England.

"Angleterre.." France said "You owe him and apology..."


"You know he won't.." France said "Plus you are the one who provoked him."


"He is right England" said Canada.
England only stayed silent nodding his head in agreement. He had messed up. He knew he did.

America stayed silent as his stomach dropped .  He had a bad feeling something was going to happen.

He walked out of the room and started speed walking past other nations. He needed to get to Japan.

• Outside the meeting Room•
  China and Russia watched the madness. Their  plan could finally un-fold.

( HI GUYS! This was a hectic Chapter! I wonder what Russia and China are planning. hmmm. Probably something sinister.

Anyway hoped you liked the story! I will also be starting a new blog/ book kinda thing. It will have my life stories, Things about my social media (Amino and Tumblr) along with memes.

See You Next Time!


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