Chapter 15

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America stood outside the doorway frozen and in shock. Japan just said he...he loved him! A feeling of joy took America over  as he replayed the words in his head over and over again.

Butterflies filled his stomach. The butterflies went crazy, doing twirls and flips. His face was flushed with a light pink. He slowly opened the door and walked in.

"Japan..." America said looking at the nation. Japan's eyes went big as he saw the younger nation. He realized America had heard everything. Japan's face turned red and he quickly stood up.

He walked to America and grabbed his hand (which made America almost squeal) and walked him to another room. He speed walked with an America who was so dazed and still
had the blush on his face.

"America-San..." Japan said a cute blush on his face "how much..did you hear?"

America stayed silent for a second contemplating wether or not he should tell him.

"I did..." America said the blush growing a bit. He couldn't hear Japan but he was pretty sure he mumbled curse words under his breath.  America worried if he was upset or not. He liked Japan. A lot. He didn't think he could handle Japan being mad at him. Not with them just starting to get over World War 2.

They stood in silence, neither one wanting to say something they shouldn't. America decided to speak first. The silence was killing him.

"Hey Japan—"


Japan turned to the old cell attached to the wall. Slowly he reached for the telephone that was dented in multiple places.

"Moshi, Moshi.." Japan answered looking at the phone and then back to America.

"Japan.." said a very manly voice from the other side.

"Its Germany-san.." Japan said to America before going back to listen to Germany.

"Japan, are you with any other nation?"


"Okay both of you need to come to the meeting spot quickly." Germany said , his voice sounded shaky.

"Why?" Japan asked worried about what was going on.

"My brother..." Germany started " he was...taken...".

Japan immediately hung up and turned to America.

"We can continue this later," Japan said to a very confused America "It an emergency...we have to go back to the meeting hall."

"Are you sure you will be fine?" America asked concerned. It had not been that long since what happened with England.

"We can't worry about that now." Japan said grabbing America's hand and dragging him to the meeting hall. This was bad....really bad.

(OMG I AM SO SORRY! I will try and post more. I have been signing up for schools and totally forgot to update. I will try and make sure of anything like this happens again I tell you guys! Again SORRY!

Also...THANKS FOR 1K! OMG I NEVER THOUGHT THIS FIC WOULD REACH THIS NUMBER. I CAN'T THANK YOU GUYS ENOUGH!! You guys tell me what you want me to do as a celebration!

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

-Author-Chan OUTTTT!!)

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