Chapter 14

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  Prussia and Germany started going to Japan's house while Romano and Italy went throughout the town. Russia followed the to German brothers while China followed Italian brothers. They planned to capture one and force them to be apart of there team.

The German brothers would be easiest for Russia to catch and since they would be isolated at Japan's house it would be easier. If Japan was at the house, then he could take Japan as well. For China it would be different since they were in public so he would have to wait for them to go somewhere isolated.

When Prussia, Germany, and Russia reached Japan's house, they didn't even bother knocking, and went right in. Russia silently followed as they looked for Japan, who wasn't at his house.

As they were about to go Russia silently comes out and hit them on the back of their heads. Prussia, fortunately, didn't get knocked out, but Germany did. Russia started picking of Germany when Prussia screamed.


"Hmm.." Russia said "What do you need.."

"Take me instead of him! I will go but leave West alone please!"  Prussia pleaded with him.

"Isn't that what you wanted?" Prussia said "Plus I would be easier to control."

"That is true.."

"Then take me instead!" Prussia pleaded again hoping to save his brother.

"Well alright." Russia said smiling which made Prussia go cold. 

Russia began to drag Prussia out of the house as Germany was walking up. Germany froze in horror at the sight of his brother being dragged off.

"EAST!!" Germany said his eyes welling up as he held back tears.

"It'll be ok West.." Prussia said before the door shut leaving Germany alone in the quiet house.

-Back with China and Russia-

"China dis you get the Italian brothers?"

"Aiyaa No!"

"Thats okay." Russia said smiling "I got Prussia who came without fighting."

"Really..?!" China said "How?"

"Its amazing what family will do for each other.." Russia said causing China to freeze. His family Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Thailand...Japan. Even though sometimes he said he hated them..he always loved them.

"So China did you get anyone?" Russia asked causing China to snap out of his daydream.

"Oh yes, aru!" China said  "I got Hungary!!"

"Good Good.."

Was it wrong that China was slightly scared?

- With America-

America went to the file room. Like America, most nations have multiple homes. There are the ones that most nations go to then there are some that no nations know about.

America figured Japan would choose a house no one knew about so he searched a list Japan's houses. He had only three houses. One was  his traditional house that almost every nation went to. The Second was the house closest to his government building. The last one was the one America never even heard of. It was a tiny apartment close to anime stores and art stores.

America was pretty certain he was there so he followed directions on were to go. After sometime he found the apartment and knocked on the door.  

No response.

He started playing with the handle and to his surprise the door was open. Slowly he opened the door and headed in.  The sounds of muffled cries could be heard in the background.

" I still... l-love him"

America knew that this was Japan speaking.

"I know..."

That was probably Tokyo at best, it didn't really sound like the anime girl.

"But —I —I love a.."

Japan stuttered on his words, choking on tears.


( YASS IT HAS BEEN REVEALED!! Japan loves America! You guys could probably tell but still. I wonder how America will react! Find out next time.


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