Chapter 34

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Chris's House
10:16 AM

Tossing and turning in my sleep, my body was finally signaling me and my mind to wake up from my slumber. I slowly opened my eyes as they naturally squinted, while adjusting to the bright sunrise that was shining through the window.

I rubbed my eyes and turned to lay on my back, while covering my eyes with my arm. I sighed deeply not wanting to get out of bed. Then I turned to the night stand to check my phone for notifications.

Seeing that nothing interesting was brought upon my phone last night, I sat up to stretch my upper body before swinging my feet off of the bed to stand up from it.

I walked to the full body length mirror to view my appearance. My hair was wild, and I still had on my sports bra and panties from last night. I did a quick search for my sweatpants, and saw them on the floor next to the trash can. I went over to pick them up, before slipping them back on in front of the mirror.

Feeling through my hair to see how bad it actually was, it was too nappy just to let it flow freely. I took the hair tie that was on my wrist, and through it up into an effortless pony tail.

Grabbing my phone from the nightstand, I walked and exited the room before closing the door. As I walked closer towards the balcony to go downstairs, I heard music playing.

So obviously Chris is awake.

I walked downstairs, and the closer I got to the bottom, the louder the music got. As soon as I reached the final step, Zeus came out of nowhere and jumped on me.

"Hii boy!" I cooed as I petted his fur. "How you doing?"

He barked as a response.

"Where your daddy at?" I asked him as if he could respond. "Hmm? Where's Chris?"

Zeus calmed down by putting all four of his feet on the ground. He turned around to walk away, but then stopped to look at me when he realized I wasn't right behind him.

"Oh you want me to follow you don't you?" I said to him.

He just turned around and continued his trail.

I shook my head and started to follow him. "I'll take that as a yes."

Following Zeus, we soon ended it up near the kitchen. Finally reaching it, I saw Chris with his back facing me, so he had no idea that I was in the kitchen with him. He had a snapback hat on his head, but it was backwards. He also had his shirt off with basketball shorts on.

Walking in further, I heard his beautiful vocals singing along to the song that was playing.

"Baby, I don't blame you for being in the clubs and getting all that love
'Cause you're so beautiful, God made you to show that off
Now I ain't ever been the jealous type of guy, but I want you to myself, I can't lie
I know we ain't on no one-on-one thing, but baby, it should change"

"I love when you sing."

He turned around while jumping at my sudden voice. "Dammit Carrie." He said as he held his chest in relief.

"I'm sorry." I giggled as I walked over to him. "I didn't mean to scare you."

"You know my nerves is bad."

"I know, I know." I laughed.

Looking around, I started to examine the kitchen. "What's that smell?" I asked him.

He looked around too trying to figure out what I was smelling. "What smell?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know, but it smells good."

One's Magnet (Chris Brown Fan Fic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora