Chapter 49

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*trey in the mm ✨

*excuse the hella amount of mistakes. i didn't proof read at all 😭

Planet Fitness
8:49 AM

"Come on sis. Ten more." I mentally encouraged myself to continue my already planned out workout routine. I decided earlier this week that it's about time for me to not only stay in shape, but to actually keep myself physically healthy. This means that I'm also starting a new type of a diet along with working out. Even though I don't gain weight no matter how much I eat, eating healthier is a much better lifestyle. Most people may ask 'why would you workout if you don't gain weight?' I don't know, I can't explain it. Ima just do it because it seems like the right thing to do.

Sweat dripped from my forehead, face, and neck as I finished my last jump squat. "Shit." I said to myself from the relief burning feeling that was coming from both of my thighs as I shook them off while putting my hands over my head. Good thing my workout routine is almost over, because today's my first day and it's killing me.

I wasn't really sure of which workouts I should do because I have zero knowledge about fitness. Because of this issue, I told Chris about me starting work out so that he could help me with what workouts to do, and to just keep me motivated and on track so I don't fall off. Why pay hella money to get a personal trainer, when I have Chris? Besides the fact of him first hysterically laughing at me when I first told him this new goal of mine, he sent me a workout routine through text message for this first week. I guess that you could say that Chris is my personal trainer in a way.

Walking around in short circles trying to regain my breath, I reached into my leggings which has pockets in them. I grabbed my inhaler and took two puffs of it before putting the cap back on it and putting it back into my pocket. I also realized how messy my hair looked in the huge mirror, so I slid out my hair tie to let out my messy bun. In a maximum of ten seconds, I redid my hair into a messy, top knot bun just to have it out of my face.

Since I finished my jump squats, it was time for my next exercise. I groaned and rolled my eyes at the thought before taking out my phone again and putting in my thumb print. Since my phone was already in my hand, I decided to change the song that was currently playing to something that would get me more motivated.

As I scrolled through my music playlist, I decided to play Backin' It Up by Pardison Fontaine. I nodded my head and mouthed the words to the song as it blasted through my black wireless beats, before going to me and Chris's messages to see what I had to do next. I was ready to throw my phone across the room when I saw the next exercise.

20 burpees, 3 sets

This nigga crazy as hell. He must want a dead girlfriend, because I'll be in a casket by the time I get done with these exercises. Good thing there's only one more exercise after this one because I'm completely drained.

Just at the same time that I was starting to put my phone back into my pocket, I felt a light tap on my shoulder which caused me to turn around. The person was taller than me so I only seen their chest at first, so I had to actually lift my head to see who it was. My eyes widened at the presence in front of me as I pushed the pause button on my Beats. "David?"

His pearly white teeth almost blinded me from him smiling. "Wassup girl. How you been?" I seen that he was attempting to come in to give me a hug but I slowly backed away.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"I come here almost every morning to workout. I should be asking you that question." He chuckled. "I don't never see you here."

I'm not sure how I looked on the outside, but I was feeling weird and awkward as ever on the inside.

"What's wrong?" He asked me. "I've been meaning to ask you; you've been ignoring me all of sudden..."

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